Chapter 3

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Nathan' POV

Beautiful. Was the only word  that would come to mind too describe the girl in front of me. She was absolutely amazing. And I know it's really bad to like your best friend's sister but she makes it so hard in so many ways.

I was soon snapped out of my thoughts by Liam calling my name several times. I looked out the window to see we had arrived at the house where the party was. It belonged to a guy from our soccer team, Damian.

The four of us walked inside together, but the minute we went through the girls were gone out of sight, which for some reason concerned me. I didn't understand why I felt so nervous because everyone knew how Katie was and wouldn't try anything with Liam round.

I shook the thought off and headed for a drink to try and calm my nerves. I lifted the red cup to meet my lips and suddenly there was a girl at my side and to be honest it made me feel really uncomfortable. H er make up looked really heavy and thick unlike Katie's who didn't even look like she was wearing any. Her hair was curly, and she was wearing very low cut crop top, and a really short skirt, both leaving little to the imagination.

"Hey," She said flirtatiously as she ran her finger up and down my arm.

"Eh hi," I replied nervously feeling even more uncomfortable under her touch.

"Do you wann-" She started to ask before an arm wrapped itself my waist catching my attention. For a moment I thought it was the strange girl but a familiar fragrance filled my nose and I knew who it was.

"Hey." Said the familiar voice. I turned to face Katie and silently sighed in relief at being rescued from this girl.

"Oh hey, what's up," I asked, hoping she'd get me out of this situation.

"I was looking for you." She said placing her hand in mine. I got this weird feeling I never got with a girl before as Katie squeezed my hand tighter.

Without letting me reply to her words, Katie pulled me across the room behind her as she walked away from that girl.

"Oh my god, thank you," I exclaimed when she stopped walking once we were far enough away from where that girl was.

"It's no big deal. And anyway you looked, eh stuck." She joked before laughing. Emily then appeared after coming inside from outside the back of the house.

"You guys coming out back? " She asked looking between us without noticing out adjoint hands

"Yeh sure, let's go Nathan." Katie said still holding my hand as she followed Emily out the back with me behind her. 

Emily walked to her seat and there was only one left which I took, and without second thought pulled Katie down into my lap to save her from having to sit on the cold grass.

Katie's POV

We were all sitting by a campfire and it was actually pretty cool because it was late enough when we arrived at the party so it was dying down, and it was just our close friends out back spending time together.

"So what now ?" Katie asked looking around at everyone for suggestions

"Truth or dare, or maybe spin the bottle." Lucy Hale, one of the girls from Katie's class, asked. Most people decided to play spin the bottle, so that's what we did.

Liam placed an empty Corna bottle on the table in the middle of the group and spun it around. After coming to a stop it landed on Emily, and no matter how cliche it seems I was so excited that they were actually going to kiss. Liam quickly got up from his seat and made his way to Emily on the other side of the table and kissed her.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and when I turned my head, Nathan smiled at me then nodded at Liam and Emily who were still kissing.

I knew this was really mean but still, I cleared my throat and they pulled apart. I could see Emily's cheeks get redder and I laughed. Emily spun the bottle next and it landed on Sam, one of the boys from Liam and Nathan's soccer team.

She got up and gave him a quick peck before returning to her seat. It was slightly backward compared to how long she and Liam had kissed for. As Sam spun the bottle I felt Nathan's arm make its way around my waist and his hand rested comfortably on my left hip.. The bottle landed on me and I felt his grip get tighter in a protective manner, as if not wanting to let me go.

Sam quickly got up and walked over to me. It was actually quite awkward kissing one guy while sitting on another guy's lap. He pulled away and had a satisfied look on his face as he returned to his seat, but all I could see was my brother sending him daggers from across the table.

I lifted myself from Nathan's lap in order to spin the bottle before returning to my old position. As I sat back down the bottle came to a still facing in my direction telling me who I had to kiss.


I turned around to face him and he was already looking at me with a small smile tugging on the end of his lips. We both leaned in at the same time and our lips met quickly. It felt amazing. I placed my hands on the sides of his face as he deepened the kiss. But before it got too heated,  I pulled away remembering that my brother and other people were around us watching

I looked over at Liam's seat waiting for some sort of comment, only he wasn't there anymore. I suddenly got really worried and lifted myself from Nathan's lap to go look for him. I walked inside where there was only about a dozen or so people left, some might I say seemed pretty drunk. A few grinding on each other. I couldn't imagine being that drunk, falling all over each other and not remembering anything come morning. 

I pushed passed drunk dancers in the living room until I arrived in the front hallway to find Liam sitting on the stairs with his chin in his hands.

''Liam '' I asked, walking towards him. He lifted his head at the sound of his name and made eye contact with me before looking back down at the ground. "What's up.''

''I'm sorry.'' He replied casually. ''I shouldn't have just left like that.

''It's fine. The question is why did you?" I wondered as I knelt down in front of him.

''I guess I just didn't wanna see you get hurt.'' He said honestly looking up, his eyes meeting mine.

''What do you mean?'' I asked feeling confused. How could I get hurt playing spin the bottle?

''When I saw you kissing Nathan, I just, I don't know.'' Liam admitted with a sigh

''Why'd you think I'd get hurt?" I questioned, my confusion not changing.

''Cause Nathan's my best friend Kate, and I know what my friends are like.'' He answered honestly and I knew what he meant. He meant he's seen the way some of his friends treat girls and didn't want that to happen to me even though I knew Nathan was different than Liam's other friends.

''Nothing's gonna happen, I promise. How about we head home?'' I asked as I stood up and held out my hand towards my older brother.

''OK.'' He replied, standing up before I pulled him in for a hug. I loved the fact that he cared about me so much and wanted to keep me safe even if he meant admitting that some of his friends could be jerks sometimes.

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