Chapter 6

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*Photo above is the boys man cave/ den thing.*

Katie's POV

"Ahhh." The door quickly shut behind him as he saw the scene in front of him. I got up of Nathan's lap and ran after him leaving Nathan to realize what had just happened.

"Alex? What the hell are you doing here?" I called after my oldest brother as he quickly ran down the stairs. He was honestly the last person I expected to walk in. I had to talk to him before Liam got back or I was so dead and so was Nathan.

"What the hell were you two doing?" Alex asked as he turned around to face me as we stopped in the living room.

"Alex you have to calm down. Liam will be back any minute." I told him trying to calm my brother down after what he just saw.

"Liam. Oh my god does he know about you two." As if on queue Nathan entered the room with his messy hair from my hands running through it. Whoops.

"No and you can't tell him please Al." I begged giving him the puppy eyes that always work on both him and Liam when it came to me.

"Ok but you two have to be careful cause if Liam founds out I'm not lying to him." Alex explained giving in to my begging knowing he couldn't avoid it.

"Thanks man." Nathan spoke doing a bro hand shake with Alex. Then as predicted the front door could be heard opening.

"Hey guys I-" Liam said walking in with a white plastic bag, his phone and keys in his hands. He stopped talking when he spotted Alex stood in the living room. "Ale?. What are you doing here bro?"

"I decided I'd come back and see how my favourite little brother and sister are doing." He insisted as Liam put down his stuff and did a bro hug with Alex.

"So what were you guys talking about before I came in." Liam wondered, making general conversation before grabbing his stuff once again.

"Just what pizza we're gonna get." Nathan told Liam and he nodded in reply before taking his Monster into the kitchen to put it in the fridge.

"Thank you." I mouthed at Alex once Liam had left the room. He winked with a smile on his face and followed Liam into the kitchen.

"We've gotta be more careful." Nathan commented after Alex had fully left the room.

"Nathan that can't happen again. I know what I said and stuff but-"

"Is this to do with the phone number I found in your bag earlier." Nathan asked looking at me curiously.

"What? No of course not. Wait how do you know I've a phone number in my bag?" I spoke looking at him, interested to find out how he knew about the number in my bag and then I remembered "You saw it when you were looking for Liam's keys."

He nodded and then asked. "So who's is it."

I decided to torture him for awhile. He didn't have to know who's phone number it is. If he really wanted me that bad he could fight for me.

"Just some guy from the mall." I replied casually because to me it was no big deal.

"Some guy? Do you know him? Did he look a familiar? What did he look like? Did he-"

"Woah, woah, woah." I exclaimed holding up my hands towards Nathan. "What's with the interrogation?"

"I mean I just wanna know about the guy who hit on you. Is that such a crime?" He asked looking over at me.

"Well we're not together so I can flirt and take phone numbers from as many guys as I want." I replied before taking out my phone and sitting down on the couch.

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