Chapter 20

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The weeks following the party were pretty boring. Emily and I spent the time packing clothes and stuff for college while Nathan and Liam spent it getting ready for their first round of Nationals which is in 2 weeks, I think anyway.

The premiere date of mom and dad's new movie has been released and turns out its 2 days before I leave for Ireland which is good cause I love the premieres and getting to spend time with my family. So my parents are coming home and spending the last few weeks of summer here with us before I leave.

Spending this last while packing my things has made the thought of moving across the ocean feel so much more real. I have to ship all my stuff, minus what I could fit in a suitcase, over to the college by tomorrow so it would be there by Monday.

So basically whatever I'm gonna wear between now and leaving has to fit in my suitcase. I'm obviously gonna leave some clothes here like a couple of t-shirts, some jeans, shoes, things I don't really need over there especially if I need to buy things so I will have room to take stuff home.

''Hey, how's the packing going?'' Nathan asked as he and Liam walked into my room and sat on my bed.

''Good, think I've everything ready for tomorrow to be shipped.''

''Cool. We'll start taking them downstairs.'' Liam spoke before grabbing a box and heading downstairs. Without saying anything Nathan followed his actions and left.

He's been acting really weird this past few days and its kinda freaking me out. I wonder if this has anything to do with Nationals or the fact I've started packing for college. I guess its a talk we're gonna have to have soon enough. Especially with me leaving in 3 weeks.

I've actually kind of been dreading this talk since I found out where I was going to college. As bad as it would be attending a college a couple of hours away it would have been better than a 10 and a half hour flight across the ocean to a different continent. But this is my dream, I've always wanted to be a doctor and what a better place to study it in then one of the top colleges, with an amazing medicine course.

"Emily." My brothers voice shouted pulling me from my thoughts. I looked over to where he stood with a box in his hands. "You seem out of it, everything okay?"

"Yeh, I'm fine."

"Hey, if this helps. Nathan's really happy for you so don't doubt this decision." Liam promised.

"Thanks Lee." I smiled.

"No problem Kate." He left with the box. I noticed the boxes all gone. My room felt different somehow. Most of my things were still here but important things like pictures of my family and friends are packed away for Dublin and I think it's the feeling that this room could belong to now there was nothing to symbolize me.

I didn't like to admit it but I was scared of moving across the world.


"You need to look hot. You're gonna be surrounded by celebrities."  Emily spoke as she filed through a rack of dress in a shop at the mall.

"And my boyfriend." I added. As I stopped looking at dresses.

"Yeh well if you look good then all the sexy celebrities will talk to you and you can say your taken but you've a very single friend who is very interested in someone famous." Emily explained pointing to herself.

"What happened to Alex?" I asked remembering the boy she was all over the night of the guys final.

"He's not really my type. We went on a date and he got really clingy out of the blue. So I broke it off." She explained shrugging her shoulders and looking back at the dresses.

"Right." I whispered under my breath and continued filling through the racks of dresses.

"What about this one." Emily question showing me a yellow one.

"Definitely not. I don't think I've ever wore yellow in my life." I informed my best friend as I continued searching for a dress.

I finally came across a short halter neck white dress with a lace waist. I loved it.

"This one. This is the one." I told Emily as I showed her the dress I had found.

"Oh I love it. Go try it on." Emily instructed as she ushered me towards the dressing room so I could try it on.

I swapped my jeans and jumper for the dress before stepping out of the dressing room.

"That's definitely the dress." Was all Emily said and I agreed before changing back into my clothes and heading to pay for the dress.

"I have an amazing pair of heels that will match your dress." Emily spoke as we walked out of the store.

"Thanks Em." I replied as we made our way back to the car.

"God I'm so jealous of you being around all them celebrities."

"Emily it's no big deal. These people work with my parents. Half of them have been in my house."

"What." She exclaimed.

"Oh shit, you didn't know that." I said cursing myself for telling her that.

"You've had celebrities in your house and didn't tell me." Emily accused me.

"I wasn't allowed. If word got out the paparazzi would be all over the place. Sorry." I apologized giving her puppy dog eyes.

"I'll forgive you if you talk me up to all the sexy celebrities Friday night." She negotiated using her advantage to make me do what she wanted.

"Deal." I replied smiling as I drove to Emily's house to drop her off at home.

That girl was good at making deals and getting what she wants and right now she wants the star of my dad's new movie, Ryan Stone. Teen heartthrob and if you ask me seems like a right ass. But then again I've never met the guy he could either prove me wrong or prove me right.

God can't believe I'm 20 chapters in. It's nearly as time for Emily to leave for college meaning the it's nearly the end.

Teaser: the movie premiere is here and Emily finally meets the famous Ryan Stone. Will he be all she expects him to be ?

-ky x

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