Chapter 21

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"So what was he like, what was he like?" Emily asked as she busted into my room at 8am the morning after the movie premiere.

"Emily it's like 7am shut up." Nathan told my best friend as he put his face in my neck.

"Actually Nathan it's 8am." Emily sassed back before sitting herself on the edge of my bed.

"Emily I went to sleep like 4 hours ago. At least let me get a few more hours sleep."

"Fine. I'll just go to talk to him myself." She stood you and headed for the door which caused me to jump up.

"Emily Grace Jones don't you dare go near that spare room." I warned her as I sat up in my bed. "Listen I promise I'll introduce you to him if you let me get a few more hours sleep."

''Deal.'' She smiled before leaving us to sleep.

I received another couple hours of sleep and when I woke up for the second time it was 10:28 am. Nathan was still asleep and I left him to it while I went for a shower.

When I got out I threw my towel dried hair into a bun before putting on some comfy clothes. I headed downstairs to find Emily with her chin on my kitchen island as she sat across from Ryan Stone.

I grabbed a mug from the press and flicked on the coffee pot.

"Hey is she okay?" Ryan asked as he pointed his spoon at Emily.

"Yeh she's fine." I promised him. I quickly a whistle that was in one of the draws from when Liam coaches the U10 team during the summer. I made sure to hide it from Emily before sneaking up behind her and blowing it in her ear.

She completely jumped of her chair before hitting me.

"Katie O'Connor. I HATE YOU!" She shouted the last part.

"Yeh well lift your jaw up." I told her. "Ryan Stone this is my best friend Emily Jones. Emily, Ryan."

"Sup" Ryan spoke before continuing to eat his cereal.

"Katie, where's that boyfriend of yours?" Liam asked as he rushed into the kitchen with his soccer bag over his shoulder.

"In bed why?" I asked as I sipped my coffee.

"Bed?! We've practice in 15 minutes." Liam exclaimed.

"We'll how was I supposed to know. Just wake him up."

Liam headed up the stairs while shouting his best friend's name. As I stood drinking my coffee my eyes drifted around the room and stopped on the calendar my mom had hanging on the wall. There was a big red circle on it and inside that were the word 'Katie leaving for College'

I was broken from my trance by Nathan and Liam's shouting voices. Nathan came into the kitchen and grabbed his soccer bag. He quickly pecked me on the lips before running out the door.

"Bye." They both shouted. I finished my coffee and threw my mug in the dish washer and decided to go for a drive. I told Ryan and Emily where I was going and said I'd be back in a while.

I pulled out of the drive way. I had no destination in mind I just drove. I ended up driving by the soccer field where the guys where training. Their final was tomorrow and the guys were so nervous but excited at the same time.

I haven't told them yet but I won't be able to make all of the game cause my flight is at 5:30 and there final is at 3.

I'm heartbroken honestly I really wanna be there for them if they win. I'll have to break the news to them tonight.

I eventually found myself sitting in the driveway of my home. I hadn't realised how long I'd been sitting there before Ryan came out and knocked on the window of my car bringing me out of my train of thoughts.

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