Chapter 12

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''Can you believe prom is only a week away.'' Emily asked me as she lay on my bed while I fixed my hair.

''I know but that means finals are only 2 weeks away. And then in 3 weeks we're finished high school. Can you believe it Em.'' I replied smiling at her in the mirror.

''It's crazy. Speaking of prom, who are you taking.'' She questioned me.

''I don't know. I haven't really thought about it yet.'' I spoke shrugging my shoulder as I grabbed my phone from the desk. ''What about you?''

''Justin Reilly.'' She answered smiling.

''Justin Reilly. You're taking Justin Reilly to our Senior Prom.'' I exclaimed. Justin Reilly was captain of the school basketball team, a senior, he was seriously hot, smart and kind. He's basically any girls dream guy.

''Yeh he asked me last week.'' She explained as we walked out of my bedroom door.

''Well you kept that a secret.'' I told her as we descended the stairs. ''Anyway have you heard back from any of your colleges yet.''

''Yeh I heard back from NYU. They're really happy with my grades over the last 4 years and now they're waiting on my finals' results.'' She informed me.

''Emily that's so amazing. You've always wanted to go to New York.'' I said to her.

''Thanks. What about you?'' She asked as we walked into the kitchen.

''Not one reply yet. It's killing me. The last day for submissions is the Monday of the week we finish school. And that is less than 2 weeks away. At this stage, I'd gladly take any college. It doesn't have to be Trinity.'' I explained grabbing my keys from the drawer and we began to walk out of the house.

''Well Trinity or any other college you applied to would be crazy not to except you. Anyway did you write the speech yet.'' Emily asked.

''Yep. It's in my locker at school.'' I answered as we pulled out of the drive. Songs started playing on the radio and we sang our hearts out I drove.


Emily and I had gone to the mall to pick up shoes for our prom dresses. And I even asked Mason Walker to the prom. Mason was on the football team. He had blonde hair, tall, kind and sweet. He has just broken up with his girlfriend and is looking for a fun night with all his friends before finals which is good for me cause nothing can get messy.

"Katie Grace O'Connor." Liam's loud voice shouted as I closed the door behind me. What the hell is his problem.

"Liam calm down dude." Nathan's voice could be heard from the far room too. Uh oh, this doesn't look good.

"What the hell are you shouting for." I asked as I walked into the room with my shopping bags and dropped them on the ground beside the door as I walked over to the guys.

"When did you plan to tell me that you and Nathan have a thing going on." Liam questioned. The anger was building in him and it was so clear he was going to explode.

"Me and Nathan what"

"Had a thing going on. Which I would like to point out you guys did very well at keeping it for me." Liam spoke.

"Liam what are you talking about."

"I told him everything Katie. Well he basically forced me too." Nathan told me.

"Which I kinda regret but at the same time don't." Liam added.

"Liam I'm so sorry. I didn't want you to find out like this. It doesn't matter now anyway. Nathan's moves on." I explained.

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