Chapter 18

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"Go Nate." I yelled as he tore down the field with the ball and Liam was by his side. The was one defender and the goalie in the way. Nathan passes to Liam which causes the defender to go to him so Liam gave it back to Nathan who struck the ball and it entered the net.

The crowd supporting our team burst into cheers and jumped out of their seats. The score was now even at 2-2 with about 4 minutes left. The guys celebrated on the field for a minute before getting ready for the oppositions kick-off.

After his coach called him over and whispered something Jack Porter made his way over to Nathan. Clearly being changed to mark Nathan after his last big breakaway.

The ball in our defense as their forwards tried to work a score. My eyes were fixated there and I was completely unaware of the fight breaking out between Nathan and Jack. Yelling came from the crowd which caused everyone to look to where two players were shoving each other while saying something. It caused the rest of the teams to join in.

Liam, of course, came to Nate's defense and pushed Jack away from him before dragging Nathan away. Nathan was a person who could get very hot-headed on the soccer field and right now that was a dangerous thing especially tonight with the National Team scouts here.

The only good thing about the fight was if it was Jack Porter that started it that would fuel Nathan to show him just how good he is on the scoreboard and judging by the look on his face that was exactly what he planned to do.

The referee took both their names in his little book and warned them next thing it would be a card. Hopefully, there wouldn't be a next time.

Before the fight broke out the ball had gone out of bounds and it was the other team's ball. One of their midfielders stepped up to throw the ball in to play and when he did it was intercepted by one of our defenders. This was it. Our chance to win. I looked up at the clock and there was a minute and twenty-one seconds left exactly.

Chad, the defender who stole the ball, passed it across the field to Alex, one of our midfielders, who was completely open. Alex had looked at the clock before he received the ball and now there was less than a minute left. He moved the ball up quickly towards the oppositions' goalkeeper.

Alex passed it to Liam, who was open because his player left him to go to Alex. Liam now had the ball on the outside of the large square and headed inside with the ball. He passed in across to Nathan who had escaped from Jack Porter's grip.

He took the ball into his possession and launched the ball towards the net. It was a completely lame attempt to score. But out of nowhere Liam's head connected with the ball and made it enter the net.

The cheers from the crowd were deafening but got even worse when the referee blew the full-time whistle. I turned and hugged Emily who was sat beside me.

''Let's go.'' She spoke as we followed the crowd who made their way onto the field. Emily and I got separated by the large crowd that had overtaken the field. As I made my way through the crowd I congratulated an of the Westview boys while looking for Nathan and Liam.

I suddenly felt a little hand on my leg causing me to look down and see a little boy no more than 5 or 6.

''Hey buddy.'' I spoke bending down to the little boy. I didn't recognize him but there was an oddly familiar feeling about him.

''Can you help me find my daddy?'' He asked looking scared.

''Sure what's your-'' I was cut off by a familiar voice.

''Noah.'' A man's voice said.

''Daddy.'' The little boy, Noah, spoke as he jumped into the arms of Mr. Johnson, Nate's dad.

''Daddy?'' I asked looking at Mr. Johnson.

''Hey Katie.'' He said as the little boy in his arms hugged his dad. He'd another son that no one knew about.

''You've another son. You've another family. That's why you're getting a divorce isn't it.'' I thought out loud.

''Katie quiet please. I don't want Nathan to find out like this. Please don't tell him.'' Mr. Johnson begged.

''You're so lucky it was today I found out. I'm not ruining this on him. But you've got to tell him.'' With that, I left Mr. Johnson and his other son Noah so I could find Nate and Liam.

I eventually spotted the pair and they were talking to Luke's dad, David Jordan. I smiled at moved away leaving them to talk. Luke, who was standing not too far away waved me over to him.

''Hey Katie.'' He spoke as I approached him. Over his shoulder, I spot Emily chatting to Alex and decided to leave her at it.

''Hi Luke.'' I replied.

''Good game huh.'' He asked and I nodded.

''Yeh glad the guys won in the end.'' I smiled looking over at them and as I did they both laughed along with Mr. Jordan at something he had said.

''Dad's really interested in them. Both of them.'' Luke assured me.

''That's good to hear,'' I replied smiling.

''So any news on colleges,'' Luke asked. I had mentioned I was a senior that night we went on our dad.

''Actually, I got into Trinity studying medicine,'' I told the boy who stood in front of me.

''Oh my god Katie, I'm so happy for you. That's incredible.'' He exclaimed as he hugged me.

''Thanks.'' I replied before I suddenly got lifted off my feet and swung around in a circle. When I was put back down I turned and realized it was Nate who had lifted me.

I quickly jumped into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist. I placed a kiss on his lips before speaking.

''I'm so proud of you.''

''And me. Be proud of me.'' My brother's voice spoke.

''You always have to ruin the moment don't know.'' I told Liam as Nathan put me down.

''Whoops.'' He said shrugging his shoulders and smiling which caused us all to laugh.

''I'll see you guys later.'' Luke spoke as he left to go to his father. We all said our goodbyes as he left.

''So house party at ours.'' Liam stated. I nodded in agreement.

''Party at ours. Emily and I will head and get everything set up. Tell the guys 10.'' I told my brother and his best friend. They nodded and said goodbye as I left.

I looked around for Emily and spotted her still talking to Alex. I grabbed her hand and pulled her away.

''They'll be plenty of time for flirting later but right now we've got a party to set up.'' I spoke to my best friend as I took her away from Alex and towards the car.

''You're such a buzz kill.'' Emily told me as we got into my car and I pulled away,

''Yeh we'll there is plenty of time for kissing later.'' I said smiling as she hit me a slap on the shoulder. We both laughed as Emily played some music for the half an hour drive home.

Hope you enjoyed that :)

What did you think of Nathan's dad? Did you expect it? I wanted to write it on the day of the final and was gonna write it a different way but I think this was better.

Teaser: The party is in full swing at the O'Connors and someone's feelings are confessed.

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