Chapter 19

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It didn't take Emily and me long to set up for the party. We set up a drinks and snacks table inside. Emily places lots of chairs outside for people to sit and talk.

I threw up black and blue banners and confetti around the kitchen and sitting room as they were the team's colors.

Once we finished we headed up stairs to fix our makeup and change outfits. I wore a pair of black jeans with a white bandeau while Emily wore light wash jeans with a pink top.

Nathan and Liam arrived back about 30 minutes before everyone was gonna start arriving. They both ran upstairs and quickly showered and got changed before people came.

"You look beautiful." Nathan spoke in my ear and he wrapped his arms around my waist while I did the final checks around the house before everyone arrived.

"Thank you." I replied turning my body around to face him. I placed a short and sweet kiss on his lips as I was not prepared to ruin my makeup before the party even begun.

The doorbell rang causing us to pull away from each other.

"And so the fun begins." Liam spoke as he headed to open the front door. Once the first guests arrived we always left the front door open because once the music starts playing it would I be impossible to hear the doorbell.

As members of the soccer team and their girlfriend started piling in I hit play on the party playlist I had set up on my iPad and connected to the speakers around the house where guests would be.

Things got into full swing quickly as the guys' adrenaline was still rushing after the game meaning they brought a great atmosphere with them.

Emily and I promised to take care of everything meaning Liam had to worry about nothing since it was his party but Emily was no help at all. The minute the guys arrived Emily abandoned me to go find Alex. Thanks Em, love you too.

I didn't mind though, she was finally finding someone was she interested in and by the looks of things he's into her too.

"Hey you. Penny for your thoughts." A familiar voice whispered in my ear as I turned around and saw Nate.

"Hey. Nothing interesting just Emily and Alex."  I replied casually.

"Speaking of that. Follow me." Nathan took my hand in his and guided me out the back and around the corner. There stood Emily and Alex making out.

I contained my laughter before turning the corner. I used my hands so my laughter was muffled.

"Well she's a great help." I spoke referring to her promise to help me with the party before the game.

"Aw well. At least she's happy." Nathan said exactly what I was thinking. I nodded my head in agreement. "Let's go see some of the guys."

"Hey where's Emily." Liam asked me as we approached the unlit fire pit that some of the guys had taken a seat around.

I took a seat across from my brother and Nathan sat down beside me before wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I turned so my back was leaning in Nate and got comfortable.

Before I could answer Daniel, one of the guys from the team spoke. "Last I saw Alex was leading her into a dark corner to lock lips."

A couple of the guys laughed along with Nathan and I. But Liam didn't seem to find it one bit funny.

"What." He asked as his face turned seriously.

"Dude, what's wrong?" Nathan spoke as Liam stood up and without replying he left. The guys called after him.

"I'll go." I said standing up as Nathan removed his arm from around me.

"I'll come too." With that Nathan and I left the guys and headed in the direction that Liam went in.

Nathan asked one of the guys and they pointed to the stairs signaling that was the way Liam went. We arrived at Liam's bedroom door. I knocked but got no reply so I just went in.

"What's wrong with you." I asked as Nate closed the door behind him.

"Nothing." He snapped but then realized what he had done. "Sorry, didn't mean to snap. Just upset."

"You're a state champion. You shouldn't be upset tonight. What's wrong?"

"Emily." Liam spoke simply.

"Emily? What about her." Nathan asked just confused as I was. Liam whispered something inaudible.

"What." I questioned.

"I like Emily." Liam spoke louder this time so we could hear.

"Oh my god." I said quietly.


Liam calmed down and returned to the party acting exactly like he did before he found out about Emily and Alex.

Nobody acted any different and the party continued as normal. Eventually Emily joined me again and she couldn't stop smiling.

She sat across from me and we had a silent conversation using facial expressions and head gestures. In the end, I bust out laughing and so did Em.

This caused everyone to turn and look at us.

"Whoops." I spoke and everyone laughed too.

The atmosphere at the party was amazing. The buzz from the guys win was still high even a few hours in.

No one was overly wasted which was good. Everyone left around 2 am except Emily and Nathan.

We were gonna go to bed and leave the cleaning till tomorrow but for some reason, I wasn't tired so I decided to change into some sweats and clean up.

I threw all the empty red solo cups into a garbage bag and put the clean ones back into the cupboard. I threw any dirty plates or bowls into the dishwasher and turned it on. I folded the tables and left them back in the garage. 

After I was satisfied with how the kitchen and living room looked I headed upstairs to go to bed. I entered the bathroom and brushed my teeth then threw my curled hair into a messy bun. When I walked into my room it was dark so I flicked the light switch and jumped slightly at the sight of someone in my bed and it wasn't Emily. 

The messy brown hair on his head made me realize who it was. I smiled at the fact he ended up in my bed. Emily must be in the spare room. I thought to myself. T turned the light off before I climbed into bed and cuddled up to Nathan and quickly fell asleep. 

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