Chapter 24: The big final part 1

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The remaining three contestants were all hanging out in the girl's cabin. - Thank you Tracy for bringing me to the finale with you, Haley said.

Tracy smiled. - You're welcome, I wouldn't choose Manny, even though he had a really good point as to why I should pick him. Timmy on the other hand, it was tough but you have to make those difficult decisions to...I just wish it wasn't my choice, Tracy said.

Haley walked toward her and patted her on the back. - I know it wasn't easy for you...but at least Timmy didn't get angry at you, Haley said.

- Right and if Manny's theory is true, then I will see him again today, Tracy said.

Haley raised an eyebrow. - What do you mean? Haley asked.

Tracy slowly shook her head and smacked herself on her forehead. - Look what I was trying to do, I shouldn't let you get your hopes up, Tracy said.

Haley looked at her in confusion before she turned to look at Cory. - Do you know what she means? Haley asked.

Cory shrugged his shoulders. - come YOU  don't know what she means, haven't you watched Survivor before? Cory asked.

- A little bit, Haley said.

Cory and Tracy looked at each other with impressed expressions on their faces.

Confessional: Tracy

- How came Haley got so far in this game when she didn't even watch Survivor that much? I binged-watched a whole season just because I wanted to get some information, like, what is the best strategy when you're playing the game or, how should you be in a situation like this? People will say that you can just be yourself, which is true, the best thing is to be yourself but in this game, you can't be 100% yourself.

Confessional: Cory

- Yeah, I've watched Survivor and I know that in the finale, previously eliminated contestants comes back to cheer on their favourite...I knew that Tracy knew that to but I didn't want to say anything to Haley...the truth is, I know that Colin will support her and not me, I'm kind of jealous, I'm not going to lie.

At the dock:

A big white yacht was driving toward the dock where Robert was standing at. - How exciting this is, I wonder how everyone's doing, Robert said to himself.

The yacht reached the dock and immediately, Marc jumped over the railing and onto the dock. - MARC! Couldn't you have waited till the ramp lowered itself? Larry asked.

Marc grinned up at the others who waited. - Where's the fun in that? Marc asked.

Lily shook her head but smiled at him nonetheless. - That's Marc, always eager to get a head start, Lilly said.

A ramp lowered itself and all the previously eliminated contestants stepped out from the boat...except for one and Robert noticed it. - Where's Anthony? Robert asked.

Sophie sighed. - I tried to talk to him to come here but he's...avoiding me, so it seems, Sophie said with sadness in her voice.

- So he's still on the boat? I'll see if I can talk to him, Robert said as he ran up the ramp to the boat.

Confessional: Ace

- It's great to be back and now, I can set up my plan to bring Anthony and Sophie'll be hard though but I know I can do this.

Confessional: Bane

He's rubbing his hands together. - That pipsqueak had no idea what was coming for him, oh what a joy, NO ONE can stand in my way when I really want something or...someone.

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