Chapter 5: Not really The Fight Club

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Confessional: Tracy

- We lost our first challenge yesterday, it's a shame that Sunny got voted off, she was always happy so she could've been useful later on, just to boost our morale.

The Swimming Dolphins: Boy's cabin

Timmy and Ben were sitting on Colin's bed.- I hope Colin's okay. That hit looked like it really hurt, Ben said.

- Yeah, it looked like it, Timmy said while he looked at Colin.

Suddenly Colin began to stir and was slowly waking up. He clutched his head when he sat up from the bed. - Ugh, that really did hurt, Colin said.

Timmy got up from Colin's bed and walked closer to him. - Good morning teammate, how are you feeling? Timmy asked.

- I feel like someone threw a rock at my forehead, which someone did yesterday, Colin groaned.

Timmy chuckled. - Then it is what it's supposed to be, Timmy said.

Colin looked around himself to see the grey walls in the cabin. - But, how did I get here? Colin asked.

Ben smiled. - It was Haley, she carried you all the way to the cabin yesterday, Ben said.

A blush formed on Colin's cheeks. - H-Haley, why? It would've been easier if it were one of you guys, we're sleeping in the same cabin, Colin said. 

Bane who heard this conversation looked at Colin. - She was worried about you...personally I don't know why anyone would be worried about you, Bane said.

Timmy then walked over to him and pulled his shirt so that Bane and Timmy looked eye to eye. - What's that suppose to mean? Timmy asked.

Bane smiled at him and opened his mouth to say something but he got interrupted by a yawn. Both Bane and Timmy looked at the direction where the yawn came from and saw that it came from Andrew who just woke up.

- Morning Andrew, Timmy said.

Andrew jumped in surprise. - What? G-good morning, Andrew said with a shocked expression on his face.

Timmy looked at Bane and released him from his grasp. - I'll be watching over you Bane, if you say something like that to Colin again, you'll be sorry, at this team, everyone is an equal, Timmy said.

Bane shrugged his shoulders. - Whatever man, I get it, everyone's an equal, Bane said.

Confessional: Ben

- From the information that I've got from the days on the island, it seems that Bane's a very judgmental person, the prime example of my theory is when I look at Colin and Bane...Bane's throwing looks at him and complains when he's doing a challenge, Bane looks at Colin and basically thinks that Colin's a little shrimp that he can play with...not cool.  

At the forest:

Sophie was walking with a long stick that she found lying on the ground. She pushed some branches away from her face when she walked further into the forest. - I guess that I'm the most capable of hunting food, but my other teammates should at least try, Sophie said to herself.

She then a heard a sound that sounded like a stream from a river, Sophie started to run in the direction where it came from. - I'm the one that always is on the hunt for food, I must be the one to fill my whole teams stomachs...what will my team do if I'll be voted off then, will they starve to death considering that I was the one that brought them food or what? Sophie wondered.

She came to a long river in a glen that was in the forest. Sophie saw some fishes that were swimming in the river so she stabbed them one after one with her stick. A figure came toward her. - Good work, I have never seen a person that's so skilled in hunting, The figure said. 

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