Chapter 3: It's going to be hard to handle

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Confessional: Jay

- I'm glad that Candy's gone; she didn't even pay her full focus in the game. Sure, Brody failed big time, but at least he was trying. 

The Awesome Tigers: Boys' cabin

Marc got up from his bed, eager to start the day, he looked at everyone in the room who was already getting dressed for the new day. - Morning everyone, Marc said happily. 

- Morning, man I'm glad that Candy's off the island; I mean we don't need someone who's not even trying, Manny said.

- Yeah, at least everyone who is left focuses on the game, Jay said.

- Yeah, even Brody is trying...though I had hoped to get rid of both Candy and him yesterday, Manny said.

Brody were about to put on his sandals when he heard Manny's comment. - HEY! That wasn't nice to say, Brody said.

- Yeah, don't judge someone because it didn't go the way anyone wanted, maybe Brody was just nervous, I'm sure he'll be better today, Jay said.

Manny scoffed. - Let's hope so, otherwise you'll be thrown of this island with your head first, Manny said while she glared at Brody  

The Awesome Tigers: Girl's cabin

- Good job girls, everyone of us survived the first elimination, Ace said.

Anna looked around the room. - Not everyone is here, where's Sophie? Anna asked.

- She's on the hunt for food, we have to fend off for ourselves when it comes to food, I assume that's the case because Robert didn't mention anything about it, Helen said with a bored tone in her voice.  

- Considering that this is a survival game, I guess you're right, Ace said.

Confessional: Anna

- I hope Sophie's okay, it was nice of her to walk away to bring us some food.

In the forest:

Sophie walked over to a bush to pick some berries. She smelled the air and smiled. - It sure feels nice to be in a forest, the atmosphere here is so refreshing, Sophie said.

Sophie then heard some footsteps behind her so she turned around to see that Anthony was standing a couple of meters away from her. - Good morning teammate, Sophie said.

- Umm...morning...I came here to ask you something, Anthony said.

Sophie smiled at him. - Well, care to came closer to me so I can hear you better? C'mon, I wont bite, Sophie said.

Anthony sighed and walked closer to her. - I just need to know, why did you chose me as a teammate? Anthony asked.

Sophie shrugged her shoulders. - I don't know, I guess you just seemed like a person and that's why I did chose you, Sophie said.

Suddenly, an ear breaking sound came from the camp, like when a megaphone was being used for the first time. - ATTENTION, ROBERT HERE, I'M GOING TO INFORM YOU GUYS THAT YOUR SECOND CHALLENGE IS STARTING SOON, MEET ME AT THE BEACH IN 5 MINUTES! Robert yelled through a megaphone.

Anthony and Sophie covered their ears at the loud sound. - OW! My ears, Sophie said.

- Yeah, that wasn't a pleasant experience for them...anyway, was that the only explanation as to why I was chosen? Anthony asked.

Sophie raised an eyebrow. - Yes, it was the only explanation, wasn't it good enough? Sophie asked.

- It was good enough, thank you, Anthony said as he walked away to the beach.

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