Chapter 13: Maze runner...not the movie

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The sun was shining again and everyone were outside their cabins. Manny was leaning against his cabin door while glaring at Anthony and Marc...but especially at Anthony.

Marc was dragging Anthony to a place in the forest. Manny looked around himself and saw that no one was around. - Ok, the coast is clear, Manny said.

- Are we really supposed to talk about the alliance? If that's the case, I don't want to be part of it, Anthony said.

Manny raised an eyebrow. - You don't want to, why's that? Manny asked.

- How can we even trust you? You're the one that sabotaged Larry's chances of can we be sure that you won't do the same to us? Anthony asked.

- He's got a point, Marc said.

Manny sighed angrily. - I know that I sabotaged his chances but I did that because I was in danger of being voted off would've probably done that yourself, Manny said. 

- No I wouldn't, I'm not as selfish as you are, Anthony said.

Manny glared at him. - I'm selfish, huh? You're lucky that you're not my target for the next elimination ceremony, Manny said.

- Can I go?  I don't want to be in an alliance with someone I can't trust...I somehow knew I couldn't trust you, almost every person I meet is untrustworthy to me, Andrew said.

Manny was really trying to not scream at Anthony, his face was red with anger. - You can go, I don't care, Manny said.

Anthony turned on his heels and walked away from Marc and Manny.

Remembering yesterday's events with Anthony, Manny's glare turned into a scowl. - I can't vote him off...I still kind of want him to be around here but what I can do is to make him regret his decision of not working with me...if I vote off one of his friends, then Anthony will crawl back to me...since I can't vote off Sophie, I have to go for Jay since he's on my team, Manny said to himself.

Ace cleared her throat, she was suddenly sitting on the stairs to the cabin. - I understand how you feel, you're desperately trying to hold on to your position in the game and in order to do that, you need some allies...but just because Anthony left your alliance doesn't mean that you're allowed to hurt him, Ace said.

Manny jumped in surprise and looked at Manny. - How did you know about my alliance and how did you know that Anthony left it? Manny asked.

- Lucky guess, first, you're the type of guy that creates alliances and second, Anthony's smart enough to not trust you, Ace said.

- Ha, ha, you win, I'm mad at Anthony for not working with me, Manny said.

Ace nodded her head. - Yeah but voting off one of his friends isn't the answer, he's not going to work with you either way, Ace said.

Manny looked at Anthony who were talking with Jay and Sophie. - Maybe you're right...but I still want to vote off one of his friends, I want to vote off Sophie but I can't, Manny said.

Ace looked at him with a serious expression on her face. - That's right, you can't because she's on the other team...besides, Anthony seem to be really fond of her, if she were to be voted off, he would be completely devastated, Ace said.

Manny thought about what she said. -'re probably right, well, time to goodbye to Jay then, Manny said.

Ace looked at him and sighed. - I see that you've already made up your mind, Ace said.

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