Chapter 8: Coin diggers...or swimmers

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The Swimming Dolphins: Girl's cabin.

All of the girls were slowly waking up because of the run rays that were beaming down at them. - Good morning girls, Tracy said.

Sarah is shielding her eyes with her left hand. - Ugh, why is the sun so bright? I need my beauty sleep, Sarah said.

Haley rolled her eyes. - So, anyone ready for a challenge today? It has to be a challenge today, we got a day off yesterday, Haley said.

- I think it will be, but what could it be? Elaine asked.

Lily was just sitting on her bed, looking at the ceiling in deep thought.

Confessional: Lily

- I know I need to contribute more for the team otherwise I'll be voted off, but what can I do?

Lily stood up from her bed and walked to the cabin door. - I'm going out to search food for us, Lily said as he opened the door and walked out.

- FINALLY! Someone's taking the task of hunting on this team, I'll tell you, nobody's taking a role on this team...Sophie's hunting food on the other team and we have just been lazy to not pick someone to do that, Sarah said.

Tracy sighed. - We do not pick someone to do something, someone is just taking the responsibly to do something for a day...we're a team, that means everyone can take part in activities, Tracy said.

- I still think that we need to chose someone to do the hunting, do you know what happens if someone that I don't trust brings food to me? Sarah asked.

- It shouldn't matter who it is that does that, you mean that you would rather starve than taking the food from a person you simply don't trust? Haley asked.

Sarah nodded her head. - Someone that's as pretty as me should do it, not someone like Lilly...I would've actually prefer Sophie to do that, she's pretty, I admit that, Sophie said.

Haley crossed her arms. - So, nobody on this team is worthy? Ok, so maybe one of us just have to switch teams with Sophie because apparently, she's the only one qualified to satisfy you, Haley said.

- Would you switch teams? I would MUCH rather have her than you, you don't seem to care much for my well-being, Sarah said.  

- Do you only care about yourself? Haley asked who started to get irritated.

Sarah shrugged her shoulders. - I care for people that are as pretty as me or even more prettier than me...that's not you, Sarah said.

- I think I need to go now before I get angry, Haley said as she walked out the cabin door.

The other girls glared at Sarah. - What? Sarah asked.

Confessional: Sarah

- I guess she got a little mad at what I was saying, sorry Haley but you're not as pretty as I am...though I'm not as pretty as before I came to this island.

Confessional: Elaine

- That's why I didn't want to talk to Sarah yesterday, I suspected she was one of those "snobby" types.

Bane was waiting for Anthony who was at a privy a couple of meters away from him, Bane was hiding behind a tree. - This is going to be fun, Bane said to himself.

He heard that a door opened so he took a peak from behind the tree to see that Anthony had come out of the privy.

Bane walked toward him. - We need to talk, Bane said seriously.

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