L.A.W. 21 Unused version.

Start from the beginning

Me: Hey superstar, just wanted to let you know that I'm heading back to the hotel. I'm freezing my tits off, I'm feeling a little tired and I'm going to defrost in a warm bath then maybe have a kip so I'm ok for tonight. Me and little bump love you loads xxxx

She hit send and then dropped her phone back into her bag so that she could finish up and redress. Then after flushing the toilet, she exited the cubicle and went to wash her hands at the sink. She smiled to herself as she thought of getting into the warm water of her bath, that was going to be much better than sitting in that grandstand listening to herself being talked about while freezing half to death and she hoped that Seb wouldn't mind her going back to the hotel.


Getting back into their rather luxurious hotel room, she sighed happily as the warmth of it surrounded her. She dropped her bag onto the bed and went straight into the bathroom to start running herself a bath, then she came back out to start undressing, leaving her gloves, scarf, hat and coat on the bed and then removing her boots before starting on the layers of clothing she had on. Once she was down to her underwear, she went back into the bathroom and added some bubble bath. As the bubbles began to form and a heavenly rose scent filled the air she wondered if Seb had replied yet, she hadn't heard her phone go off but with it being in her bag she didn't always hear it. She went back out and straight over to her bag where she found her phone and checked the screen, there were no notifications, rather oddly he hadn't replied. She rolled her eyes, surely he wasn't annoyed that she'd gone back to the hotel and was giving her the silent treatment, was he? She stood for a moment, maybe she should text him again? Maybe she should wait a bit longer and then text just to make sure he'd got it? She took her phone into the bathroom with her and placed it on the side of the bath. She inhaled, filling her nose with the scent of rose and then looked at the inviting bubble covered water. There was only one thing missing now and that was Seb, since their trip to the Maldives he loved to share a bath with her and there was nothing better than laying back against his firm body and feeling his arms wrap around her front and his hands rest on her belly. Maybe that's why he hadn't replied, maybe he was peeved that she was having a bath without him. Well, he knew where she was if he wanted to come and join her. Turning the taps off she bent to check the temperature of the water, it was spot on. She smiled as she dried her hand and then found a hair tie in her makeup bag. She was just about to tie her hair up in to a messy bun when her phone went off.
"Finally!" She said out loud. "What took you so bloody long?" She swiftly tied her hair up and then picked up her phone, her smile faded as she looked at the screen and her heart leapt up into her mouth as she unlocked it to read the reply.

M.S: I don't think you meant to send that to me, did you? x

"Oh shit."


"Take a photo liebe, it'll last longer." Seb smirked as he added a final spritz of his fragrance.

"I might just do that." Chloe slowly trailed her eyes back up to his face. Jesus christ, he looks hot in that suit. How is it even possible for a man to be so damn sexy? I seriously want him. Now. She walked towards him as he sat down on the bed and put his watch on, his gold wedding band caught the light above him, a physical reminder to everyone else that he belonged to her.

"Oh I know that look." He grinned as she sat down on his lap.

"And what look is that?" She asked as she unbuttoned his suit jacket and then his waistcoat.

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