BACK AT STAR Labs, Dr. Wells spoke to the team, "Hartley Rathaway possesses one of the finest scientistic minds I've ever encountered."

"Any ties to Rathaway Industries?" Joe demanded.

Dr. Wells nodded, "His grandfather founded the company, his father expanded it, and Hartley here was set to inherit the throne."

"What happened?"

"He came out to his parents. Old money, old values." Caitlin shrugged. "He may have been a dick but thats horrible." Chloe muttered.

"They were estranged when we met, but, brilliant. I couldn't have built the Particle Accelerator without him." Dr. Wells fondly spoke.

"You guys never even mentioned his name." Barry shook his head in confusion.

"That's because Hartley had a challenging personality." Caitlin told Barry, scratching the back of her neck.

"What she means is he was mostly a jerk. But, every once in a while-" Cisco and Chloe spoke the last part at the same time, "He could be a dick."

Joe let out a laugh, Barry smiled slightly.

"Let's just say that Harley, like many outliers, had trouble relating to his peers."

"Yes, but he was always your favorite." Caitlin spoke in distaste.

"The chosen one." Cisco spoke after her, mockingly. Chloe shrugged, "Yeah, but I don't see why you guys care- I don't, never did actually-"

"That's 'cause you were always nicer to him so he didn't hate you as much." Cisco retorted.

"He already lost his company for something he can't have any chose in, why be more of a dick to him when he's already one?" Chloe questioned. The two didn't answer, Chloe could tell they were slightly salty about it though.

Dr. Wells clicked his tongue.

"He refereed to himself as that." Cisco added in shortly after.

"So if you two were so close why would he target you?" Joe asked Dr. Wells.

"Hartley left STAR Labs about a year ago after we had a. . A disagreement."

"About what?" Dr. Wells didn't answer.

"Look, don't worry. We'll stop him. I won't let him hurt you- Any of you."

"I second that." Chloe added to what Barry had said.

"Let's get back to my lab, all right?" Barry questioned to Joe before he started walking away, Joe following behind him.

"I could've gone my whole life without seeing that jerk again." Cisco spoke aloud as he looked at the picture of Hartley that was on the screen.

CHLOE HEARD AN unknown voice speak to Hartley, "If you think Dr. Wells made some mistake in hiring me, why don't you prove it to him?"

"Magnetic flux is measured by what?" Hartley challenged the unknown man with the ponytail.

"Hall effect pick up." The man answered slightly confused.

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