7. Peanut Butter

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A/N: I have written about 45 chapters of this book already. So please expect updates every 2-3 days. This is what being jobless (literally) does to you. You write so much in such a short span 😂

Queen's POV

A swift knock on the door had me jolt my eyes open. I looked around. Where the fuck was I? Until the events from last night hit me.

"SUA! SUA!", Daniel yelled from outside. "OPEN UP. ITS 11"

I looked at the clock. The surgery must have been complete now. I should call Suho. But the knock on the door took my attention again.


"Coming", I yelled, holding my throat to make my voice seem thinner. The knocking stopped and I ran to the bathroom. Shit I had no toiletries of mine. So I picked up what looked like Sua's brush. I mean, we were sisters, twins to be precise. We shared all those nasty fluids in our birth giver's body. What's a little tooth brush ??

Despite the room being warm, I slipped on a jacket to hide the tattoos as I rushed out of the room. It was a Saturday and I assumed neither did Sua have work nor Daniel school. He caught me heading to the kitchen so he stopped me.

"You slept till 11!? You never sleep this late. What is wrong with you? I woke up before you. Do you like understand that!?"

"Sorry", was all I said.

Daniel was taken aback. Nothing about Sua seemed like herself. Sure this was his sister, but did not feel like his sister. Unknowingly his eyes fell on her face and something caught his attention. Where did her scar go? The one between her eyebrows?

"Did you eat?", I asked, assuming this would be what she asked Daniel the first thing in the morning.

"No", he replied after a long pause. "Can you make me a peanut butter sandwich?"

I nodded. Thank god, at least he asked for something simple. So I headed inside to find bread lying on the kitchen counter. I opened their refrigerator and removed a bottle of peanut butter. As I turned around, I came face to face with Daniel.

Holding a gun

Pointed at me.

"Who are you?", his voice was shaking. "Who the fuck are you and where is Sua?"

What !? Did he recognize me so quickly ? Not even 24 hours had passed and I was caught. Was I that bad an actor? There goes my dream of acting in a drama opposite Lee MinHo.

Maybe I underestimated him. After all he had been around Sua 18 years now.

I stayed quiet as he pointed the gun. This looked like Sua's gun as it had the police symbol embossed on it. I raised my hands slightly in the air. There was no point pretending now.

"Put the gown down Daniel", I calmly said, in my original deep voice.


"Daniel, don't play around with the gun. Put it on the side. We can talk and I will explain everything to you"

"NO! HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME? WHERE IS SUA AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER? I WILL SHOOT IF YOU DON'T TELL—", his voice was cut off as suddenly the gun in his hand was snatched away. Daniel gasped as his hand was twisted and he fell to the floor. Within seconds the gun in his hand was in this stranger's hands.

"I am gonna put the gun away Daniel. And I don't want you to try and attack me. The last thing I would want to do is hurt you. So you better listen to me", I warned. He said nothing but I heard soft sobs from him.

QUEEN | KIM TAEHYUNG (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now