Chapter - 7

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After two days........

It's been two days since the phone call!!! The whole family came to know the news it's like a big blown for the family. The one who is more effected is Dhvani!!! There isn't a single reaction from her. Neither she is crying or saying anything. From two days she is not eating anything or speaking with anyone. She is just locked up in their room. She couldn't digest the news.

In the evening.......

She gets a post from her husband's base!!!

Her father-in-law collects it from the postman and slides it down the door of her room. As she isn't opening the door, asking her to read the letter.

With no emotion she picks up the letter and starts reading it.

Dear Wife,

               How are you!!?? I know wrong question!!! But I didn't know how to start this letter. If you got this letter then probably you have already came to know that I found my peace. Whenever we go on any mission we write letters to the persons we love and will be posted if we didn't reach our base on time. Usually I write letters to my parents but now I'm more answerable to you than anyone in this world. I don't even know how to say SORRY to you. I know you will be having many expectations from our wedding I was not able to fulfil any of those. If i die in this mission then it will be my greatest regret of my life. I LOVE YOU!! More than anything in this world, Dhvani. You will be my First and last Love of this life time and for the next 7 births if it's true!! I know I was not able to be your husband in the first place. We couldn't even spend time together! I don't know your feelings towards me! I don't know how you felt about our first kiss! I don't know how you were able to handle everything in my absence. We couldn't even stay together for 24 hours.

               I always read your letters, Dhvani. You told me each and everything about everyone expect for yourself. A man doesn't want anything more from his wife who treats her family like hers and takes care of everyone. But I was expecting more about your self. You are the BEST thing that has ever happened to me, Dhvani!!! The only regret in my life is the I couldn't be your husband you wished for.

But everything has changed now!! Life has to move on. Let the bygones be bygones leave everything behind and move on, Dhvani. Find yourself a great guy and live happily with him and forget me. We didn't even spend much time together so you won't be that much attached to me. Take care of yourself and our family!!! Here I want to be a little selfish and I want to ask you that even if you are married to another guy can you please take care of our family!! Ayra Abhi bhi choti hai!! Please can you do this little thing for me??

I really wish you a great life ahead!!! ALL THE BEST!!! :)

-Love, Vivaksh
(only YOURS forever)

PS:  There is another letter attached to this, please give that letter to our parents!!! That's not for you to read.


After reading the letter...... tears started to flow form her eyes. She literally cried her eyes out in pain, anger, love, care what not. The whole night she cried like anything. Letting her emotions to flow in those tears. Accepting the truth.

Slowly sleep consumed her, after 2 days she slept.


Next day morning......

She got up at her regular time and did her morning chores. Showing no emotion.

Goes to kitchen and prepares breakfast for everyone. She is doing everything as if nothing happened just that the smile vanished from her face. Everyone are shocked to see how she is acting and getting tensed. (Even her family is present).

After arranging the breakfast on the table, she asks everyone to have it and leaves for her job not before keeping that another letter on the table and without having breakfast.


After 2 months.......

It's been two months since the horrible news which changed entire world for Dhvani.

She started to change herself into a clam and silent person from her bubbly nature. She became pale and thin. She doesn't have proper food she eats only when her both mothers force her.

Daily she wakes up at 5:30am finishes her morning routine and household works and leaves to her job, come backs at 4:00pm greets everyone and spends some time with her family members. From few days she started to smile little by little in front of her family members cuz she understood that because of her all the family members are sad. So, she started to smile in front of them making everyone to relax a bit.

But anyone can know her if they visit her room in the morning. They can find a wet pillow. Daily she cries herself to sleep.

This became her daily routine.

She is taking a very good care of their parents and sisters but she stopped looking after herself. Looking at her like that even Alpha became dull.

One such day......

All the family members are present in hall and talking about some random topics.

But Dhvani being herself just answered the questions which are directed towards her.

Suddenly out of nowhere her Father-in-law who is also her Fufa asks her .....

"Beta!!(child) What are you thinking to do now??" Indirectly raising the topic of marriage.

Even she understood where this topic is leading to but she didn't give it away.

"What is there is to think, fufa!!??" She shrugs.

He sighs and says "Are ready for another marriage??" He directly asks her.


Greetings Everyone!!!!

Quick update for @tureloveasmi !!!

I'm not mentioning about other's feelings but one can understand how parents feel if their son or daughter passes away.

So what do you guys think her answer will be???

Is she ready for another marriage??

So to know further... stay tuned

Next chapter will be updated soon!!!!

Till then

Keep Reading.... 📖
Keep Smiling....😁

-Love, XOXO.


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