Chapter - 5

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He places his hands on either shoulder giving a wet kiss on the neck and shoulder joint.

Her eyes went wide in shock, even though it's their wedding night she is not expecting him to make a move. Shivers went down her spine feeling his soft lips on her skin. She is stunned to even react, her heart beat is raising like anything, her breathing turned even more heavier.

He slowly moved his hands from her shoulders to her waist. Now he was holding her bare waist still not taking his lips from her skin and pulled her to him more. Now her back is touching his front.

She is shocked, stunned, nervous, amazed, shy and many more emotions.

Her cheeks, neck and ears turned into deep shade of red. Her eyes are closed still feeling his lips. He placed 2 mores kisses on her neck and ear.

"I have been wanting to kiss you ever since I saw you like this yesterday." He whispers near her ear huskily.

Flashes of yesterday's event played in her mind making her even more red.

Suddenly a rush of cold air touched her. The warmth ness she was feeling a few seconds back is gone. Now, she couldn't even feel anyone's presence behind her. She slowly turns back only to realise that her husband is long gone.

She felt rejected!!! Even though she doesn't feel anything for him before but from the day their marriage was announced, she started to look at him in a different way!! She started to accept him as her husband and in her heart she gave all rights to him as a husband. But what he did just now broke her heart.

She wouldn't have felt bad if he didn't come closer to her at all but the rejection is affecting her.

'What happened to him suddenly?? Did I do something wrong?? Does he hate me?? Is he regretting it??' So many questions. While thinking all these things tears automatically made their way down her cheek.

Mean while, Vivaksh comes out of walk-in closet and tries to steady his heavy breathing.

''I'm a stupid!! Who asked you to behave like that?? What will she think about me now?? Was it too much?? I couldn't control my self seeing her like that!! *he sighs* she is looking so hot!!! Uper se, we are alone that too in a romantic environment. I shouldn't have done that!!!' He is feeling bad for what he did but not regretting it.

Though he likes her very much he is not sure if she likes him or not. So, Sharing that type of intimacy.......

He has done that without her consent. So, he couldn't face her and left that place. Which is his big mistake!!! Whenever such situations a raise communication is an important factor. If not then this will lead to many misunderstandings!!!

As he is unable to face her he decided to sleep on his side of the bed.

After few minutes, Dhvani comes and looks at the sleeping form of her husband. Silent tears escaped from her eyes. Even she took her side of the bed and slept. Two beautiful souls are sleeping at the farthest corner of their king size bed facing their back to each other.


Next day Morning!!!!

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