Chapter - 24

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He didn't even open his mouth to answer. This irritated Vivaksh and he started punching him.

That guy is crying and begging him to stop hurting him. But Vivaksh is not giving any heed to his words.

Rudy is trying to control him by asking him to stop beating. Because they need information from them. If he continues to beat them they there is no one to give the information.

But Vivaksh is uncontrollable. He is blinded by his rage. The emotions he felt when he saw Dev tied to a chair...... can not be described.

The cool and composed guy is now behaving like a devil. He might be strict with his fellow mates because that is what his post demands him to be but he was never this much angry. He beats the guy till he is satisfied.

"Now tell me. What are you people planning to do?" He asks again.

"Please please leave me! We don't know anything!" With that he starts crying.

"You won't listen like this..." Vivaksh again is going start beating him but....

"Wait wait..... please believe me. We were only asked to keep an eye on him and give him minimum food just to keep him alive. That's it. We don't know anything else." That guy tells him while crying.

"Who is giving you orders?" Vivaksh questions.

"We don't know! We are not allowed to ask about it. He just speaks from phone." He tells.

"Then give me your cell phone." Vivaksh snatches his mobile and takes the number from his cell.

"Rudy, I will give you one number, track that number and tell me!" He barks orders.

"Okay Vivaksh!" Rudy replies.

He turns towards that guy and asks "Do you know anything more than this?" He yells at him.

That guy immediately shakes his head in negative.

"Now get lost from here before I change my decision and kill you people. And dare to tell this to any one. I will personally come and see your end." Vivaksh warns them.


Vivaksh comes back to the clinic where he admitted Dev.

He steps into the room where Dev is present. While speaking with Rudy.

"Did you trace the number I gave you?" Vivaksh asks Rudy.

"Not yet! It's a satellite phone.... it will take few more hours to trace it Vivaksh" he replies.

"Do it fast Rudy! I am having a feeling that we don't have much time in this!" He yells.

"Cool down, Vivaksh! People are working on it. It will be difficult for everyone if you do like this. Don't loose your cool. We will get though this." Rudy tries to calm him down.


His eyes meets the eyes are swollen and is searching for someone.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Sep 15, 2022 ⏰

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