Fair Game: Lung Infection

Start from the beginning

Qrow's temperature didn't go down by much, it was 104.3 degrees. He was given another dose of antibiotics and pain medication, and a cold compress was placed on his head to help his fever.

"Honey, it's four in the morning, you really need to go back to sleep." Clover said.

"I...can't...I-I don't want to have that dream again." replied Qrow.

"But, resting will help you get better. I'll be right here with you." Clover said kissing Qrow's cheek.

It wasn't hard for Qrow to fall back asleep, as he was so weak and exhausted. Clover was tired as well, so he leans back in his chair and goes to sleep. In the morning, Qrow's temperature went down to 102.7 degrees.

"How are you feeling, honey?" Clover asked.

"A little better." replied Qrow.

"Do you want me to call Tai and tell him you're in the hospital? I think the girls should know that you're sick." Clover asked pulling out his cellphone.

Qrow nods, so Clover goes out into the hall and calls Tai.

"Hello?" Tai said answering the phone.

"Hey, um, I just need to tell you that last night, Qrow got really sick and I had to take him to the hospital. He has a lung infection and will probably be in the hospital for another day or two." Clover told him.

"Really? Oh man, is he okay, how is he doing?" Tai asked concerned.

"Yeah, he's doing fine, though his fever is a bit of a concern, it was running above 104 last night." Clover replied.

"Okay, tell him I'll be there soon, with the girls." Tai said before hanging up.

After hanging up, Clover puts his phone in his pocket and goes back into Qrow's hospital room.

"Tai says he's coming here with the girls." Clover said sitting in his chair.

"Okay...that sounds nice." Qrow said.

Then he coughs for about five minutes and groans in pain when he's done. Clover gently rubs Qrow's chest to ease some of the pain.

"Do you want to talk about the nightmare you had last night?" Clover asked his boyfriend.

"No, not right now, I just want to rest." answered Qrow.

There's a knock at the door, Clover answers it. It was Tai, Yang, and Ruby.

"Hey, guys." Qrow greeted.

"Hi, Uncle Qrow, how are you feeling?" said Ruby.

"I'll feel a little better if you and Yang come give me a hug." Qrow replied with his arms out stretched.

Ruby and Yang walk over and give their uncle a hug.

"Here, Uncle Qrow, I got this from the gift shop for you." Ruby said handing Qrow a little get well soon teddy bear.

"Awww, thanks, pipsqueak." Qrow said ruffling his niece's hair.

Tai, Yang, and Ruby stayed for a few hours, then left when Qrow was getting sleepy.

"I didn't want to say anything before, but I think my fever is going up again, cause I'm starting to feel like complete sh*t." Qrow mumbled weakly.

"Okay, I'll get the nurse for you." Clover said pressing the 'call nurse' button.

Once again, Qrow's temperature was at 104 degrees.

"D*mn, this infection is really kicking your a**." sighed Clover.

"Hehe, you can say that again." Qrow chuckled.

Qrow ended up having to stay in the hospital for four days, cause his fever would not break. At one point it went up to 105 degrees, which scared the crap out of Clover. When Qrow was able to go home, Clover fussed and fussed over him making sure he was well taken care of.

"Babe...babe! Chill, I'm fine. Stop fussing so much." Qrow told him.

"I'm sorry, honey, I just hate seeing you so sick. When your fever was that high...I-I thought I was gonna lose you for a second." Clover said laying on the bed next to Qrow.

"That reminds me...umm...back on the first night in the hospital, the nightmare I had...well, uh...in it you...died...you were murdered right in front of me." Qrow explained.

Tears welled up in his eyes, but he blinked them away. Clover hugs him and kisses his head.

"Look, I'm not gonna say that'll never happen because I don't know where life will take us. But I can promise you that no matter what happens, whether I'm dead or alive, I'll always be with you." Clover told Qrow, running his fingers through his hair.

"The same goes for me too, babe." Qrow replied snuggling into Clover's side.

"I know it does, honey. I love you, Qrow." Clover said.

"I love you too, Clover." Qrow said clinging tightly to his boyfriend.

After a week and a half of medication, breathing machines, and bed rest; Qrow was finally infection free.

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