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Chapter 18 - Three

Last night was weird. A bit too weird for my liking . . .


"Are you sure Michael wasn't just pranking you?" Luke sighed as we drove away from the second Holiday Inn that night.

"Definite. He seemed really drunk." I yawned, stretching out my arms as far as I could in that car.

Luke blinked a few times. He didn't say it, but I knew he was tired, too. "Fine, but if I drive us into a tree, it's not my fault so don't blame me,"

I rolled my eyes and waved him off nonchalantly. He was tired, sure, but not tired enough to crash into a tree– besides, there weren't that many trees around to bump into in the city. "I won't, I won't. Hey, there's another one." I pointed towards yet another Holiday Inn. It seemed as if this hotel franchise spread like wildfire all across the world.

Slowly, Luke drove by it and I was keeping an open eye out for a certain blue haired, possibly passed out teenage boy. Michael said he was nearby the hotel, I hope he hasn't moved because that would make my job much, much harder than it already is.

Luke kept our slow pace until, I spotted something blue not far from us. Luke accelerated a little bit so we reached the blue spot quicker.

And there he was. Michael Clifford lying on the pavement, passed out, as expected.

The car eased to a halt and we hopped out to pull him in the backseat.

"Oh, Mikey. . ." Luke muttered, kneeling beside him. A flash of sympathy and regret passed through his eyes for a few seconds.

The boy's eyes fluttered open, a lazy grin cast upon his face. "Hey, Lukey," Michael reached up and pinched Luke's cheek, giggling like a schoolgirl afterwards. Gee, did Ashton infect him with the schoolgirl-giggle, too?

Luke furrowed his eyebrows. "Yep, he's drunk," He concluded with a sigh.

"Rosie! Hey, gurl, hey!" Mikey bubbled when he noticed me.

I cracked a smile. How can I not? He's  like a child when he's drunk and, frankly, it was kind of adorable. "Hi, Michael,"

"I'm sooooo tired," He yawned. "And wasted." He let out yet another giggle. Damn, he definitely is wasted.

"Come on, mate, let's get you home." Luke pulled Michael's arm around his neck and helped him to his feet.

I stepped forward, about to help Luke support Michael's wait, when suddenly . . . 

"No," Luke snapped, causing me to step back hastily, surprised by his tone. "I mean, it's fine. I can handle him. Just- Just get the door. Please."

Without a word, I nodded, walked over to the car and opened the door to the backseat for Luke to put Mike in.

Maybe he doesn't hate Michael as much as I think he does . . .

Luke pushed the boy into the car forcefully, causing Mike's head to hit the car ceiling. The poor teenager moaned in pain and hissed out, "Fucking asshat," before Luke slammed the door shut.

And, maybe not.


"Rose. Hey, Rose, get up. OI, ROSETTA!"

"I'm up!" I yelped and accidentally fell off the stool. Within that one second when I was falling to the kitchen floor, I swear, my life flashed before my eyes– and then, my ass collided with the floor. How graceful.

Mrs All American ❅ Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now