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Chapter 4 - Favours

"I need a favour."

That snapped me out of my flabbergasted state. "What?" I spluttered.

Luke sighed. "I need to go out tonight and I need your help."

Okay, I'm even more confused. "Why would you need my help?" I pointed towards myself in disbelief.

"My mum's downstairs and I'm grounded." He kept staring at me, as if I was supposed to understand now.

And I did, after ten seconds. "Wait. You want me to help you get across to my room?" I questioned, just to be sure.

"Yes," He confirmed. "We would need either, a wooden plank or . . . I could jump."

"Jump? Dude, I know our windows are big enough to jump through but what if you fall? I'd be responsible for your death!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air.

"Jumping is faster and easier. Besides, where would you find a wooden plank?" Luke rolled his eyes.

"Fine, but I'm going to put Ashton's trampoline down there just in case." I gave in, agreeing to the jumping.

In case you were wondering, there isn't a fence between our houses' and I could easily fit a normal sized trampoline there.

"Don't jump while I'm gone." I said, heading to the door.

I just reached the end of the stairs when I heard a loud 'THUMP'. My heart raced. Was that the sound of Luke crashing to the ground and breaking his neck? Gosh, I hope not. Abandoning my little quest for the trampoline, I ran back upstairs and made a sharp turn into my room to see . . . A groaning black and blond form on my bedroom floor.

"You . . . I said not to- You. You could've died, Hemmings!" I whisper-shouted, because my mom was snoring away in the room opposite mine.

He groaned again and got up. "But I didn't, that's what counts. My hand, ow." Luke clutched his hand, like how a mother would cradle her newly-born child.

I glared at him and his stupid hand. "You. Could've. Died." I repeated slowly, as if he was stupid.

"But. I. Didn't." He mimicked with a roll of his blue eyes.

"Where are you off to anyway?" I crossed my arms, waiting for an answer.

Luke walked past me. "None of your business, Mrs All American." He whispered in my ear as he walked, sending shivers down my spine. Oh, he isn't getting away that easy. I turned around to stop him but, alas, he was already gone. I guess he is getting away that easily . . .

"Damn it." I muttered. At that exact moment, I heard the door downstairs shut not-so-quietly. I flinched, hoping nobody would wake up from that sound.

Annoyed, I jumped back on my bed and continued to read.

At 23:00, I decided to forget about that blonde Australian boy and went to sleep . . . Only to be woken up by my door loudly creaking open two hours later.

Instinctively, I sat up and threw the Paper Towns book, which I was hugging like a teddy bear, at the intruder. "TAKE ASHTON! LEAVE ME ALONE!" I hissed, hitting the enemy with the moustache pillow this time.

"AH!" A familiar voice yelped. "It's me! Stop hurting me! Ow!" Luke whisper-yelled, covering his face with his arms.

"Oh. Oh my gods. Luke, I'm so sorry!" I apologised, my tone growing quiet as I dropped the pillow.

Luke glared at me, lowering his arms. "My face is sore." He whined.

My eyes darted to the digital clock that was sitting on my bedside table. 1:00. "Luke Whatever-Your-Middle-Name-Is Hemmings," I crossed my arms, glaring at him. "You're past your bedtime."

Mrs All American ❅ Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now