Therapy (Sort Of)

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Chapter 29 - Therapy (Sort of)

Rose's Point Of View

~ Back to the Present

I spent the weekends lying in bed with a tub of ice cream while watching the first and second seasons of Teen Wolf for the second time, and reading books (*cough* fan fictions *cough*) on Wattpad. When Monday flew by, I was unprepared. Partly because on Sunday I went to bed at 3 a.m and partly because I simply didn't want to go to school. Still, I was awoken by the devil.

"ROSE, WAKE UP OR I'LL MAKE YOU WAKE UP!" The devil shouted in my ear.

I groaned and slapped him with my eyes closed. "Go awaaaay!" I whined.

"No can do, princess. Get outta bed or I'll call your brother."

My eyes instantly snapped open and I rolled off the bed with a yelp. "I'M UP! I'M UP!" I jumped to my feet, swaying slightly.

Alec raised his eyebrows. "You look like a drunk chipmunk." He stated.

I scoffed. "You sound like Jack."

"I don't . . . ? You miss him more than your own brother." He chuckled.

I raised a finger. "True. Sort of. I love Ash and all but Jack's been there for me for so long." I stretched my arms out.

"Okay, now go wash up. You smell like a dead chipmunk."

"What is it with you and chipmunks?" I mumbled, slowly limped/trudged to the bathroom.

"I don't know! They're cute and fluffy and kinda evil which makes them great." He gushed.

I glanced over my shoulder at him, my eyebrows raised in surprise. "That, is one of the weirdest things I have ever heard."



"Alec," I said as he drove us to school.

"S'up?" He swerved left.

"How did you even get in my house? My mom left extra early for work today." I frowned.

"Oh," He turned bright red. "You left your window open."

My eyes widened. "You broke into my house?!" I hissed.

"It's not called breaking and entering if the window was open!" He protested.

"I'm pretty sure it's still breaking and entering!"

"It's just entering! That's not illegal! Besides, it's technically your fault, since you left it open."

I chuckled. "You're right. I should lock my windows so no one would rob me in the night. I guess I was used to leaving it unlocked . . ." I shrugged a little, glancing out the window as we passed trees and houses and buildings.

"Because of Luke?" Alec asked softly. He said it in a way a girl would mention her best friend's ex to said best friend, like it was a touchy subject, but it wasn't. Not really.

"You don't have to be all soft and cautious. It's okay, for real." That was the first time I really meant it.

"What happened to you guys?"

"Distance and fear," I said quietly. "That's what happened."

He pressed on. "Fear? Of what?"

"Love. Falling. Getting hurt."

"But . . . Distancing yourselves from each other just hurts both of you, isn't that a bit hypocritical? To try to protect one another by hurting one another?" He pulled into a parking spot.

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