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Chapter 10 - Irresistible

"This is amazing . . ." I gasped as we entered the treehouse. Luke plopped himself down on the mattress that was sitting against the wooden wall.

"My dad and I found this place when I was seven." He laid down on mattress, looking up at the wooden ceiling.

Slowly, taking everything in, I sat down beside him. "Who built this?" I whispered in awe.

Luke shrugged a little, his hands behind his head. "I don't know. When we found it, it wasn't in good shape. For three months my dad and I came here everyday and restored it, little by little. We replaced some of the old and rotten wood planks with new ones, we cleaned everything, repainted the whole treehouse, got furniture, installed windows and a door. It was our little secret. My mother never knew, we told her we were building a space ship and when she asked to see it, we told her it broke and that we had to build it again." He laughed a little and I smiled. Even though he was laughing at the memory, I had a bad feeling that there's a twist in his story.

"What happened?" I questioned softly, laying down beside him.

Luke furrowed his eyebrows together in a frustratingly cute manner. "Honestly? I'm not sure . . . We grew apart, I guess. My parents fought constantly, yelled at each other, forgave each other and then, one day, they just stopped talking to me and one another all together." I could sense that there was something else but I didn't pry because I knew it hurt him just to tell me that. It hurts him to recall the events, I understood that.

Luke sat up, avoiding my eyes."I'm sorry, Rose. I shouldn't've invited you out today." He muttered, about to stand up.

My eyes widen a bit. I hurriedly grabbed hold of his wrist before he could walk away from me. "No. No, it's okay. I-It's a good thing you drove me out here." I spluttered, having second thoughts on what I'm about to do.

Luke turned to me, his eyes tired. "And why is that?"

I bit my lip. Mostly the guy does this. In most Wattpad books, the guy kisses the girl, not vice versa. Maybe, our story will go a bit differently . . .

"Because then I could do this." I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him shortly. I wasn't exactly tall enough to just kiss him full on, so I was going to settle on just a peck on the lips. Apparently, Luke had other plans.

He wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me into his chest and tilted his head a bit as he kissed me back.

My eyes fluttered close and I automatically wrapped my arms around his neck. I know, you must think I'm a slut now, right? Two guys in basically one day. I can explain. The first kiss technically wasn't my fault, Michael kissed me, I just kissed back because um, it would be awkward if I didn't? I regret it, okay? I regret kissing Michael Clifford. (A/N: tbh I won't)

The difference between kissing Luke and Michael was that, with Luke, it felt passionate, real. Not like a one night stand. He made the butterflies in my stomach flutter, he made my heart race, he made me forget about the things around me, and sometimes, people need that.

Luke pulled away to catch his breath. "Rose-" He released me and took a few steps back.

I diverted my eyes from his. Well, this is awkward. "S-Sorry?" I stuttered out, unsure on whether or not I should be sorry for kissing him or . . . ?

He opened his mouth to say something but, right at that moment, his phone rang. Loudly. Luke grimaced and pulled it out, answering the call.

"What?" He snapped harshly into the phone. "Oh. Ashton, hi." A blush found it's way to his cheeks.

Mrs All American ❅ Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now