Part 14❤️

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"She's there? Seriously? Or is this another one of your stupid tactics Joyce?" He sighed into the phone, disappointment seeping into his voice.

"N-No I'm serious! She's here! My sister invited her over." I grinned.

This could possibly be my chance to at least get him to talk to me.

"Well, be quiet about it." He stated dryly before hanging up.

I removed the phone and started at it in disbelief.

Not once had Lucas ever hung up on me before. And I mean not EVER. The whole 'break up' thing was going to be hard for me. I could already tell.

But he said 'be quiet about it'. I wonder what that's suppose to mean.

Was he coming over or not? If he didn't then the whole phone call was useless.

But if he did come over, I wanted to look good.

So I quickly went back upstairs and began finishing my makeup. Something to catch his attention, but not to much to seem like I was trying hard.

Even though I was, I wanted him..No, I needed him.


I stood at the entrance of the house and texted Joy to open the door.

She responded with a quick okay and before I knew it, she was standing at the door with this big smile across her face.

"Hey!" She cheesed. "Uh,wassup. Where they at?" I asked scratching my head. I don't know who told this girl that I was cool with her.

She obviously had tried to dress up. But she didn't need to. With or without makeup she was flawless,but that didn't hide her ugly ass personality.

"They still up stairs. Not going no where no time soon. But I wanted to talk to you before." She said stepping out the house and closing the door behind her.

Her bubbly smile had faded and she was now serious.

"What? I got shit to do." I rushed checking the time.

"And that's fine, it's not gonna take long at all. I just wanted to clear up a lot of, um stuff I guess?" She shrugged sliding her tiny hands into her jacket.

"The only reason I was with Jermey was to get over you. I know you heard that part,and it's true. We aren't the best for each other Lucas, but that doesn't mean I don't want you in my life. So maybe we can do like what you said. We can work on it." She said grabbing my hand pulling me a bit closer.

"Please?" She begged reaching up to give me a kiss.

"I tried not being in contact with you and as you can see, that didn't last to long. So what you say? Try again?"

It felt like I was in a trance.

It was all happening again. This was the part where I forgive her.

Like I always do, cause I'm a dumbass in love.

"I guess." I shrugged.

"Kris stop!" I laughed as she attempted to twerk.

"Girl I gotta lil ass, but watch how this motherfucka move!" She said trying to jiggle it.

"Now you know damn well!!" I said almost dying.

We continued to laugh until she raised an eye brow at me .

"What?" I said giving her the same face she was giving me.

"Why do you have a big ass hand print around yo neck?" She questioned scooting closer to me trying to get a better look.

My eyes quickly widened at the memory.

I was having so much fun, Mali'ki had slipped from my mind.

"Oh um, long story. You remember that crazy crackhead from that store? Girl do I got a story for you!" I said trying to laugh it off.

"NOO!! Did he try to grab yo ass to? I swear he is so abusive if I don't come up off that dollar." She laughed "he punched the fuck outta my arm one day, he left a bruise for weeks!" She added

"Definitely! But let's go to WingStop" I said hopping up and zipping my jacket up to the very top.

"Bet." Kris said doing the same.

We raced each other down the stairs and laughed along the way at our stupid jokes.

And when she pushed open the door I saw Joyce.

Well Joyce and a man. I couldn't tell who since she was standing up on her tippytoes giving them a kiss.

Then when she relaxed I froze.


That's who it was.

My hand started to tremble and shake and my breathing got bumpy.

I guess Kris noticed because she stopped walking and looked where I was looking.

"Oh yeah, remember my sister? That's one of the boys she cheated on." She sighed

"Actually I wonder what he's doing here. LUCAS! Come here kid!!" She said waving him over.

Quick think of something Shay!


"I'm gonna wait on you in the car." I rushed as he glanced out way.

"Nonsense! I want you to meet him, so you won't think I was being dramatic like you always say." She chuckled.

By now he was in front of us.

"Lucas this Shay, Shay this is Lucas" she said pointing towards him then me.

"Oh, your Kris friend? Nice to meet you pretty." He smiled holding out a hand to shake as he held eye contact with me.

I slowly shook his hand.

What ever I was feeling at Mali'kis house, about me wanting to see him again.

All that was out the window. I was scared shitless.

I don't know, maybe it was the fact that he was acting like he didn't know me. Or if it was the shock of actually seeing him again.

"Where y'all heading?" Joy said bouncing over.

"Oh just to get food. Y'all wanna come?"

"Please say no."

"Yeah, that sounds good." Joyce said nodding her head in agreement.

Lucas just smirked and glanced at me before walking in the direction of his car.

"Just follow us Lucas!"

"Okay!" He yelled back.

"Well this is gonna be absolutely GREAT!"

Just a small chapter🥰

SHUSH!🤫 Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon