Part 4❤️

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I sat in the corner of the room just wishing my life was normal and that I wasn't in this type of predicament.

Yesterday, the dude came back and just beat the fuck outta of me.. why? Shit I don't know. Maybe he was just angry, maybe he had heard some bad news or something.

I cleared my head and played with the waist line of my pants trying to ignore the smell radiating off my body. I hadn't been able to take a shower since I've been here.

I've barley been able to eat. Sometimes the old lady would slide me extra food. Every time I said thank you. She would never respond, just look at me and give me a painful smile.

I felt terrible and I had little to no energy left inside of me.

I placed my hand against the cold smooth wall and planted my feet on the ground to help push myself up.

I wobbled over to the closet door and opened it standing on top of the wooden chair before reaching to the very top where it had a shelf on top.

I had to stand on the chair when I saw it..just to see what was there. There was really nothing special but a book that I've read plenty of times but I continued to read it cause it left me feeling tired and the longer I slept, the longer I wouldn't have to be in reality.

Even though sleeping was dreadful as well since I had to sleep on the floor without even a blanket of pillow, I rather be asleep then awake in this hell hole.

I climb down off the chair and pulled it to a corner so I could lay my head aginst the wall. I sat down and opened the book, reading the familiar words that I was close to knowing by heart when the door slowly creeped open revealing the old lady.

She had on a silk shirt that looked loose and flimsy, and loose pants to match along with some slides that I never seen before. Her hair was still the same as when I first met her except her curls were falling.

She hobbled over to me and with a hand motion telling me to follow her. I scrunched up my eyebrows but I placed my book down and stood up, following behind her and out the door.

The only time I've been outside that room was when I was brought here but other than that, I've never been outside of it.

I looked around the narrow hallway seeing doors just like the one I was in but they were closed. Making me wonder if there were other people like me who had been kidnapped.

"Hell nah, this some man in the white van type shit."

We said nothing as she lead me to a room and opened it revealing the dude who had the audacity to put his hands on me. With his extra fine ass..

The lady nodded her head at the dude and gave me a sad expression before making her way out the the door closing it so slow it barley made a noise when it shut.

I turned back around to face him and he wasn't even paying attention to me. His head was buried in his phone.

"Is there a reason I'm here or something?" I said pressing my lips together firmly growing irritated. He didn't say anything, just kept his head down and his fingers quickly moving across the screen.

"Helloooo... your victim or whatever, is here." I said trying to get his attention. I sighed once I got the same reaction.

"Dumb ass bitch" I mumbled

"What you say?" He said picking his head up just enough so I could see the angry look on his face.

"Oh you could hear that though.?"

"Sit yo ass down." He said lowly going back to texting.

"Uh where at exactly?" I asked confused glancing around this cold ass room only to see the only seat available was the floor.

He looked at me with a slight mug and then glanced at the floor then back to me.

"No sir." I said laughing crossing my arms

"Bit- you you betta sit yo bougie ass down." He said with a deeper tone making me instantly feel some type of way.

"I'm not bougie, and can I take a shower? I smell like somebody stank ass uncle" I mumbled pushing a piece of my wild hair back into the rest of the mess that was on top of my head.

He looked at me for a second and groaned "I don't see why Mali'ki want yo ass back so badly, you aggy ass fuck and I've barley seen you" he said standing up from his rolling chair that he was occasionally kicking aginst the wall to roll him around.

"Well how about we make it easy for everyone here and just let me don't have to tell Mali'ki, just let him think you still have me. And were both out of each other's life for good..." I said Adding my sweet smile that worked on everybody

Once again he gave me that famous mug before laughing.

"You think it's that easy? You know how fast I woulda let you go? I wanted to let you go since the first time I seen you, you wanna know how I knew you was weird? Any normal person getting kidnapped would a be saying shit like "let me go please, I won't tell nobody!"" He mocked

"Yo ass didn't even look at me until hours later and it wasn't by choice! Just weird " He laughed.

"So what did you call me down here for?" I skipped his words not really caring. "You saying this like you got somewhere to be with ya stank ass."

"Bitch, it's because yo musty ass won't let me take a bath! No life havin ass motherfucker." I mumbled the last part knowing my limit.

"Bitch?" He questioned. "I suggest you calm all that down unless you wanna keep yo life."

"Go can beat my ass all you want. But we both know you can't kill me, you wouldn't get Mali'ki huh?" I smirked.

He looked at me and then smiled. "I like you. You stupid, but I like it." He chuckled sitting back in his chair using his foot to push against the white tiles rolling him slightly.

"I called you here because your "boyfriend" left you a message." He said rolling his eyes at the boyfriend part, tossing me a phone.

"The way you look, you seem like you have money, but you got this fat ass flip phone my nigga?" I laughed

"That's not my phone- just open it" he rolled his eyes

"Whatever you say pretty boy" I said laughing harder at his facial expression.

"Call me that shit again and imma rip yo damn tongue out yo mouth." He mugged.

I laughed again and flipped the phone open coming face to face with a voicemail app and I clicked the first one, Hearing 'Ki's voice flow through the speaker.

"I already know where you are, I got yo location from find my iPhone, I'm on the wa-" the message got interrupted by the dude because he snatched the phone from me closing it with a flared nose and a red face.

"Dumbass" he mumbled grabbing my arm leading me out the door and back down the long ass hallway.

"Wait what happened I thought we were getting somewhere. We not cool no more?"  I said trying to get his grip to loosen on my arm.

He didn't responded but instead dragged me out the building...


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