Part 25❤️

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"Zeek, maybe something really did happen to Mali'ki. It's been days." I mumbled as I traced invisible pictures on his bare chest.

He had his hand on my thigh and was slowly rubbing it in small circular motions.

"I called and he didn't answer, I even checked back in Dallas, No response. I can't do anything but ask around." He responded sleepily with his eyes still closed.

"Well we can't stay in a hotel forever! We're just suppose to sit here?" I ranted, raising myself up.

"What can I do? I already let people know that he went MIA." He rolled over on his stomach and sighed heavily.

I guess he was right. There wasn't anything we could do, but I needed to leave. Fast.

"Well Can I get my phone?" I questioned, crossing my arms.

Sometimes he allowed me to get it, but only if he was watching, but Instead of an actual answer, I got light snores in respond.

"Zeek?" Peeking over he shoulder, I saw his eyes were still closed and he hadn't moved not one bit.

Just to make sure, I waited a few minutes silently,  then slipped lightly out of the bed.

Tip toeing around the room, I quickly searched the drawers for some clothes since all I had on was my underwear and bra.

Over the few days, let's just say me and Zeek got comfortable with each other..which I hoped would help out in my situation.

Finding a pair of black sweatpants and a plain white shirt that clearly was to big for me, I tossed it on in a hurry and began throwing other things out of the drawers, looking for anything that could help me out.

I could go out the door but if I opened it, a loud creek would him and I'd be caught. There was a window but it was to high off the ground that I would most likely break a bone if I tried to climb out.

So here I was, throwing out all types of clothes..But I still found nothing.

I sighed hopelessly and placed everything back in the dresser.

Looking around the room, I tried to think of the most impressive hiding spot there could be. He wouldn't hide anything in plain sight so I had to think out of the box.

Thinking back to when Mali'ki was here, I tried to imagine what they would talk about and place their things to try to refresh's my brain.

I spent about twenty minutes shuffling through drawers, cabinets, looking behind the tv and so many more places only to be left with nothing but my phone which was in the restroom cabinet behind a bunch of stuff

I glanced back over towards the still sleeping Zeek and walked over to him quietly, careful to not make any noise.

I needed to check one other place.

I reached my hand under the blankets and felt around for his pockets.

It was the best place I could think of. The only problem was, if he woke up, my ass was grass.

Taking a deep breath, I began searching for his pocket...Soon enough, I found the small entrance, I slowly slipped my hand inside and started digging around.

I grabbed the first thing that I managed to grab and pulled my hand out cautiously.

Looking down at the object in my hand, I saw it was just a flash drive.

For what? I don't know and I didn't to much care.

I tossed the drive across the room and went back in for another try.

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