Part 17❤️

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"So that's it? It's a dead end?" I said starting to feel angry with him.

"Basically, I cant hack into the app itself because all of the security that protects it." "But you can't try?" I asked starting to feel hopeless. If I couldn't pin point Shays location then the whole mission could possibly fail.

"No. Like I said, it won't work due to the security, if I did, it'll alert the app and call the police." Donate explained.

I sighed and took a seat. The car we tracked down belonged to the Uber company and I had no way to get ahold of Shay.

"You think you could give me the driver's location?" I said desperately. This could possibly be my last alternative.

"Now that, I can do." He chuckled and started clicking different links and stuff.

Just looking at all of that was making my brain hurt so I picked up my phone and replied
To a text from Joyce.

"Got it! Think I beat a record." He said laughing before moving over to the side to show me the computer.

A picture of the driver was showed, along with an address, a copy of his birth certificate, and driver's license.

I quickly took a picture and told him thanks before I rushed out of the room.

I knew I needed to work fast. There's no way she'd run back to Mali'ki by the way she had a big handprint around her neck.

She wouldn't go back to Kris's house because she can't get in. So where the hell would she go?

I guess my answer is with that Uber driver..

"Flight to Atlanta, Georgia. Board now. I repeat, flight to Atlanta, Georgia. Board now."

Hearing the loud male voice boom through the airport was somehow satisfying. I had cried so many times on the way here.

Why? Because I was leaving the state. That meant away from all the drama that followed me like a puppy, and most importantly, I was going to be reunited with my family again.

I don't get to talk to them as much as I would like to, but the last time I did, which was recently, I found out they were in Atlanta.

So, I decided to surprise them, and my self, by taking a trip down there. I had no where else to go so why not?

Being with Mali'ki did teach me something though, I would never let a man feel like he has the upper hand in my life. Never.

I sighed and brushed away my thoughts before I grabbed my plane ticket and headed in the direction I was told to go.

I had only been on a plane about 2 times in my whole life so every time I got in, I felt like kid flying for the first time.

It was something about being above the clouds and seeing everyone like ants compared to you.

It just doesn't get old.

A smile slowly appeared on my face as I stepped onto the plane. I never knew how much I would miss my family until this very moment.

A flight attendant quickly took my bags and sat them in the bag compartment above the passengers and gestured me towards a seat by the window. The best place ever.

I gladly sat down and looked out seeing everyone get on just like I had some seconds ago...

And once again, a toothy grin was painted onto my face..
"Why won't you just tell me dude?" I said grabbing the Uber driver by his shirt collar.

"I can't man, it's apart of my job. Inside business!" The Indian man said in a thick accent.

"You think I give a fuck about 'inside business' ? And your willing to die than lose your job? Guess what dumbass, you can't work if your dead!"

"Come on man! I have a family!" He cried.

"Oh really? You gotta daughter?" I asked releasing him.

He wiped his eyes and nodded swiftly.

"Two, 3 and 13."  "Well maybe I should start with them instead of you?"

"NO! Umm, I-I will see what I can do for you! Please don't hurt my daughters, please!"

I just nodded my head. I had no intentions of hurting his kids, I just needed to scare him into giving me some information.

I watched as he hurried over to his phone before he came back to me.

"This is my driving history. What is her name again?" He asked showed me the names of his clients.

"It's her." I mumbled clicking Shays name.

"Oh, the nice lady!" He smiled.

I mugged him and he quickly wiped it off his face. "Where'd you take her?" "The airport. But please, don't hurt her." He begged.

"I don't plan on it." I mumbled typing in the address on the GPS app.

"Say a word about this to anyone, and I'll make sure your kids will be dead by the morning."

He quickly shook his head and I left soon after.

On the way there, I made a few calls to a couple of people I knew to find out where she could
Have gone to.

About 1 hour later, I revived a text message that told me she managed to get her ass all the way in Georgia.

Walking into the airport, I seen all different types of people rushing around with big ass suitcases.

A woman walked up to me swiftly and started talking 100 miles an hour.

"Can you slow down?"  "Oh um sorry, my name is Catalina, have you seen my son? Brown skinned, low cut? Hazel eyes, blue shirt?" She asked as tears blossomed at her eyes.


"I haven't, I'm sorry hope you'll find him." I rushed and tried to walk off but she grabbed my hand.

"Please!" "I can't do anything for you ma'am. Go to security." "I've tried and they won't do anything! You are the only person who haven't just walked away. Please help me!" She cried.

"Fuck, I'm not gonna make it."

"What was he wearing again?" I sighed.

"Excuse me, do you mind if I sit here?" A man asked.

And if you ask me, he was fine as hell. So of course I said yes..

Dark skinned, with a dimple in his right cheek, he had some nappy ass hair but it was cut nicely. He had some honey colored eyes and a bottom row filled with golds that showed when he smiled.

"Yeah go ahead!" I smiled.

He nodded and took a seat next to me.

"What you goin' to Georgia for if you don't mind me askin' "

"New start I guess, plus I got family there so why not?" I shrugged "What about you? You sound like you belong in Florida." I giggled.

"Noooo..Everybody think I'm from Florida, I'm from Louisiana." He laughed. "Don't they have the same accents?" I laughed.

"No! Fuck no!" He smiled. "I'm Mason, what bout you ma?" "Shay."

"That rhyme with bae, I think that name works better." He said smoothly with a smirk.

"Oh my god, That was slick!" I said laughing. "But you like it." He mumbled side eyeing me. "I never said I didn't."

"What was that?" "Nothing."

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