Part 20❤️

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"Why lie? Just tell me the truth!" I ranted.

Lucas's little girlfriend was really a keeper. She wasn't saying anything about his whereabouts.

We had been in her house for the past 2 hours and she wouldn't budge on anything.

"I told you already, he went on a trip, he didn't say where!" She grunted, wiping the blood from her nose.

I grabbed her by her jaw and brought her face to face with me. Ignoring her whimpers.

"Do you think I'm bluffing when i say ill blow your brains all over the ceiling? Cause it think you do." I explained.

"So kill me then." She muttered staring me in my eyes.

I pulled my gun out of my pocket and placed it underneath her chin.

"It's nothing but a quick motion.. so last time before your sister here, has to see you die in front of her okay?"

"JOYCE JUST TELL HIM!" her sister cried. I've learned that her name was Kris.

I had them both tied tightly to a chair with rope.

"Yeah, just tell me." I smirked. "Actually! I have a better idea." I chuckled.

"Kris. Come here." I said motioning for her to step forward.

My assistant quickly rushed over to her and untied her, guiding her over to

"Since you wanna be quiet about his location. Then you wouldn't mind not telling the police mines once I end her life right?" I said raising and eyebrow at Joyce.

"PLEASE!" Kris begged.

"I. Don't. Know. Where. He. Is!" Joyce sounded out.

"Fine." I mumbled pulling the trigger.

The bullet flew through her head, killing Kris instantly.

Joyce watched in shock as her sisters body slowly slid down to the hard asphalt, blood pooling around her head.

"Was it worth her life Joyce?" I questioned.

A single tear rolled down her face as she stared at her deceased sister.

"You son of a bitch." She whispered.

She looked up at me and tears started to leave her yes quickly.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!!" She repeated lunging at me.

I quickly pointed the gun at her and shot it again, shooting her in her stomach.

The force of the bullet made her body jolt to a stop.

I couldn't help but laugh.

What made her think to do that?

She lay on the floor clutching her stomach tightly.

I bent down to her level and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "You need some help?" I smirked.

"Fuck you" she said spitting a big glob of bloody saliva directly in my face.

I chuckled and pulled out a napkin from my pocket, wiping it off.

"Tell me where he is, and I'll get you help, or I'll let you sit here and bleed to death. And lord knows your not going to heaven." I shrugged standing up.

She stared at me for a bit before she looked off.

"Atlanta." She mumbled.

"Thanks." I smiled aiming my gun at her head.

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