Part 29❤️

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It's been a few hours and I'm still wondering around the unfamiliar streets.. it was going to get dark soon, but I didn't really care.

I needed some time to myself.

Words couldn't explain how much I hated Mali'ki. It was his fault I wasn't able to see my parents before it was time for them to leave permanently.

Everything was his fault, and I hated the fact that I allowed it to happen.

That I was too blinded by second chances and fear to realize that I could be enjoying my life and my family.

I scoffed and kicked a pebble in front of me as I walked slowly down a quiet street.

The only sound made was the low sound of leaves rustling in the weak wind.

Suddenly my face started to burn and my eyes felt heavy.

I sniffed lowly and wiped at my watery eyes, but that didn't stop the warm liquid from dripping down my cheeks.

I tried to continue walking but I just couldn't.. I couldn't even see clearly, my vision was clouded by tears.

I felt so weak and vulnerable. Everything always happened to me, It seemed like I could never catch a break from life.

I stumbled over to the closest tree near me and sunk down besides it.

I brought my knees up to my chest and buried my head in my arms, allowing my tears to flow freely.

My life was everywhere..

My abusive Ex fiancé is running wild somewhere, my parents are dead, my love life is in shambles, I'm a horrible friend, I haven't even thought about calling Kris. Those are just the basic problems of mines...

The sound of something sitting down beside me made me yank my head up.

"What's wrong Mrs.Perfect?" Bee asked as she stared blankly at the road in front of us.

"Mrs.Perfect?"I questioned as I quickly wiped away at my tears.

She shrugged and nodded her head. "Me and my sisters gave you that nickname before you left. But I guess it doesn't fit now." She implied as she glanced at my rose colored face.

"How'd you know I was here?" I asked as I pushed away a wild braid.

"I followed you. I wanted to know what you were doing out by your self." She answered back effortlessly like what she said wasn't alarming.

"You followed me??"

She rolled her eyes and looked down at her arm. "I'm not a stalker, something about you interested me.. Oh and I live right there" she added, pointing towards an one story house behind me.

"I don't tell everyone my real name because I don't like everyone in my business, but I'll tell you if you wanna know. You seem like you can keep a secret.." She dragged as she slowly turned her attention back to the road.

"Bee isn't your real name?" I sniffed as I wiped the very last of my tears.

"Of course not." She scoffed. "Who Names their child that? My real name is Honey." She stated.

"Honey? That's a sweet name..No pun intended." I giggled softly.

"Seriously?" She asked rolling her eyes again.

"So why were you crying Mrs.Imperfect ?" She asked, changing the nickname up a bit.

"Oh, just a lot going on." I answered not really wanting to talk about my shitty life. "Oh and I'm sorry about punching you at the park.." I added, feeling bad as I sneaked a peek at her red nose.

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