Part 10❤️

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"JUST SHUT UP!" Mali'ki screamed, digging his fingernails into his head as he panicked.

He was sitting down on the bed with his head in his hands..

"How about you take your medicine ki? It'll help you get rid of the voices.." I said softly, trying to change his mind.

He was having a another episode.

"I'm fine! I don't need that damn medicine Shay. Just give me a minute okay?" He said calmly as he lifted his head and repositioned his body on the bed.

"Yeah.." I mumbled not wanting to anger him.

I slipped out of the door and closed it softly, leaving him by himself to finish his moment.

He always swore he didn't need his pills but every time he didn't take them, he had these major episodes between himself and the voices in his head..

That's who he told to shut up.

I walked down the steps of his home and took a seat on the couch and pressed play on my paused movie which happened to be Tangled..

I had put it on pause because I over heard Mali'ki screaming to himself and decided to go inspect the scene for myself..

I sighed.. it had been a little over 3 weeks and I haven't heard about any drama happening involving Lucas which was good I guess..

But I couldn't get him out of my head.. I don't care how Cliche it sounded.

I had forced him out of my head due to the threat of my life being taken and the fact that I shouldn't have an emotional attachment to him since I've only known him for the short period of time and because he took me- well I wasn't that mad at that part.

But overall, I just shouldn't..

I shoved the thought aside and paused the movie once more, just as the horse pointed the officers in the direction The princess and theft left.

I got up and grabbed my phone off the glass coffee table and plugged in my earbuds.

I was determined to not deal with his tantrums.

Just as my playlist began, a knock on the door sounded.

I instantly got Paranoid..

"What if it's Lucas coming back to get me? Would he kill me this time? Should I have Mal'ki answer the door instead??"

"No, Don't be a bitch's probably nobody.."I thought out loud as I pulled my ear buds out and sat my phone on the table.

I took a deep breath and stood to my shaking and wobbly feet. My body was still injured even though it had been a while.

I was still healing physically and mentally.

Step after step. I walked to the door and stood just before it and held my breath.


"Um who is it?" I asked in a shaky voice. My hands laid by my side but they couldn't help but to twitch with nerves. My stomach had this feeling that I shouldn't open it but i ignored it..

"We got a delivery for Mali'ki?" A older man asked.

I took a deep sigh of relief and pulled the door open revealing a white older male with stubble and a growing mustache.. he had a potbelly and was fair faced..dressed in normal mailman attire.

Brown boots, navy blue cargo shorts that stopped just at his knee, a light blue button down shirt with the company's logo on it and lastly, a dark blue cap.

"Um are you Mali'ki Brown?" He asked raising an bushy gray eyebrow. "No sir, I'm his fiancé there anything I need to sign or be informed of?" I said, cringing at the word fiancé..

"Yes ma'am, sign right here." He stated handing me a black ink pen and untucked a clipboard from underneath his arm that I didn't see at first handing it to me.

I signed ki's signature and gave the mailman a small friendly smile as I handed him the clipboard back.

"Thanks. Here you go!" He smiled bending down to pick up a big cardboard box that seemed heavy.

"Thank you Harvey!" I said glancing at his name tag, then started to help him with the box. Once it was inside the house, I thought about telling Mali'ki.

"MALI'KI?!" I yelled.


Then a door was heard being swung open.

"Yes?" He said out of breath. He leaned over the railing giving me a better look.

He had beads of sweat dropping down his face and his eyes were bloodshot.

"Are you okay?" I asked genuinely concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine, wassup though? What's that?" He asked nodding his head towards the huge box.

"Um that's what I was calling you for, Is there something you ordered?" I asked eyeing it.

"Nah. Just open it" he said jogging down the stairs to investigate for himself.

I nodded and walked into the kitchen grabbing a sharpened knife.

When I came back, he was poking it with his fingers.

"What are you doing?" I laughed "i don't know what it is." He chuckled.

"Well let's see." I said more to myself as I dragged the sharp metal against the sticky tape.

As soon as I finished cutting it open, a foul smell erupted into the room.

"UGH!" I gasped stepping a few steps back as I covered my nose with my hands not even caring about what was inside anymore.

"What is that?!" He groaned pinching his nose.

"Open it." I ushered ready for this to get out and in to the past.

He closed his eyes and sighed. Then he approached it again, this time he peeled back the brown flaps.

Inside was coated with a type of cushion that didn't allow any fluid to leave the box or make it wet and soggy.

But that wasn't the problem..

"AHHHH!!" I shrieked feeling vomit start to push its way through my chest.


I'm backkk🙃

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