Part 31❤️

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Shay POV
I peeled my head from my arms and wiped my eyes.. I looked around the kitchen and then everything came flooding back into my head at once..

I took someone's life just a few moments ago.

Their corpse lay just a few feet in front of me.

I knew I couldn't stay there a second longer, I would only break down again..So I forced myself to stand up, disregarding my dizziness from sitting down for so long.

And now that I was standing, I could see the whole scene..

Blood was everywhere.

Looking down, I could see my reflection in the dark red pool that surrounded his stomach area. Seeing myself for the first time since the incident, It felt like I knew myself at all or what I was capable of ..

To many people, him being dead was a good thing. They would probably say I would be fine, and that it was self-defense.

Which was was self-defense, but I wasn't going to be fine.

Like I've said before, I hated violence. I had to live through it my entire life, and knowing that I ended someone's life, defeated my whole point of hating it.

It didn't matter who died or what they did. A person was dead because of me.

I sniffed lowly and walked around his lifeless body and back towards the living room. From there, I found my way out the house.

So much weight was lifted off of my shoulders..I felt like I was freed of a huge burden and my life could begin like it never started.

I took a deep breath and looked around the looked just like any normal one you would see in the suburbs..People walking their dogs and kids playing with basketballs in their driveways. Everyone was totally unaware of what just took place a few hours ago.

I smoothed my hair down and did the best I could to wipe my tear stained face before I shoved my hands, that were still cover in Maliki's blood into my jacket.

I walked down the street as if nothing had happened.

Doing that wasn't hard at all..I had to do it for years.

I walked down the sidewalk, careful not to draw any unwanted attention, until I saw a woman playing with her son who looked to be no older than 8.

"Excuse me ma'am! I don't wanna bother you or your kid, but can I borrow your phone to call my cousin?" I asked cheerfully with a bright smile.

"Oh yeah, of course hunny." She smiled back and dug in her back pocket before she handed me her phone.

I grabbed it and immediately dialed Misha's number, grateful that I had memorized it before this happened.

It ringed for a few seconds and then the sound of her high pitched voice answered the phone.

"Hello, Who's  this..?" I could hear her voice cracking a bit at the end as well as a low sniff.

Lucas POV
My phone rang loudly in my pocket making me stop what I was doing. I sighed lowly and pulled it out to answer.


"LUCAS!! Come outside right now!" Misha demanded and hung up just as fast as she called.

I scrunched up my eyebrows and looked at my phone in confusion before I did what Misha said and walked outside.

I looked around and immediately spotted her car parked in front of my house, making me jog over to her.

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