I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 16

Start from the beginning

i sent that before putting it back down, literally instantly it began going off with messages and calls from the 3 of them but i just left it vibrating before going downstairs and flopping on the sofa and picking up the tv remote.

After many episodes of Jeremy Kyle and a few of How I Met Your Mother i decided to go and get changed, i went up to my wardrobe and fumbled through before pulling out some skinnys and a loose top, i grabbed some underwear and was about to go for a shower before i grabbed my phone.

I ignored the many missed calls and texts from Elliot, Lexi and Leon before seeing one from Conor, i smiled as i opened it

Conor - heyy, was wondering if you wanted to go out to the cinema with me today? i hear the new Blooper film is amazing xx

i paused for a moment before clicking reply

Ellie - yeah ok then :) but just as friends xx

I took my stuff into the bathroom and placed them on the stool before feeling my phone go off again

Conor - cool :) and definately, i need a good girl mate xx

i smiled and clicked reply

Ellie - okk :) good, i live at 28 Gunner Close(A/N made up address) see you in 20 mins? xx

a few seconds later he replyed

Conor - okk :) see you then xx

i put my phone down and quickly climbed in the shower and had a wash, i got changed and brushed my hair, putting it in a high ponytail, i soon heard the doorbell go off, i rushed downstairs and opened the door.

Conor was standing there smiling at me, he was wearing baggy jeans and a loose top with high top trainers. I smiled and let him in, i quickly slipped my shoes on before grabbing 20 quid from the sideboard and my keys and walking out.

Me and Conor walked all the way to the cinema, it was probably about half an hour but as we were both talking and chatting the time flew, we went in and payed before grabbing some popcorn, drinks and a few sweets.

We went in and both settled down to watch the film, conor turned to me

"before we both end up getting the wrong idea this isnt a date right?"

i turned to him and nodded

"definately not, you've already been friend zoned"

he laughed

"oh i love that zone"

i laughed and i nodded

"i thought so... you dont mind being there do you?"

he shook his head and looped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer, i chuckled and leant into him

"course not El, like i said earlier, i need a good girl mate"

i smiled and nodded into him

"likewise but with a guy"

he chuckled slightly and we both turned to the film, which was about to start.

Throughout the whole film we either spent watching it or just throwing popcorn at random people and pretended it wasnt us when they turned around.

When it finished we both walked out still laughing from the man that had told off these two boys thinking it was them throwing the popcorn, i leant into him and he looped his arm around me again, holding me close

"well Ellie that was definately the best time ive ever had in a cinema"

i nodded into him

"oh same same, we'll need to do that again"

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