I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

I woke up to the feeling of vibrating on my cheek, i shot up and instantly wished i hadnt, i had to regain my sight and head before i looked down and saw my phone going off with my wake-up alarm. I sighed, it was Friday and i really didnt want to go to school and face Elliot and Leon.

I paused before getting up and putting my phone on the side and going downstairs, i ran my fingers through my knotted hair as i walked into the kitchen, my dad was sitting there with his head in his hands.

"you ok dad?"

he looked up, his face pale and bags were under his eyes

"course dear, you off to school early or something?"

i shook my head and sat opposite him

"no i accidently slept in my uniform... i didnt feel well"

he nodded slowly and looked up at me

"you ok now?"

i paused before shaking my head slightly, ok so maybe it was a lie but i was dreading facing them, i cant deal with the way their always arguing, especially over me.

"do you want to stay at home then hunny?"

i paused before nodding, he nodded back and ran his fingers through his hair, he got up and sighed before tucking his chair in and coming over to me, i got up and instantly wrapped my arms around his waist, he wrapped his around me and for some reason i could feel tears filling my eyes.

"hey dont cry El, lets get you back to bed then?"

i nodded slowly and we both went upstairs, he got out my pajamas and handed them to me, i got changed and climbed into bed, he came and sat down, his eyes were blank, almost like he had lost all feeling and he had nothing to live for, like he'd given up.

He reached out and brushed my hair out of my face and stroked my cheek, i leant into his comforting touch

"i love you dad"

he nodded slowly and pulled his hand away

"me too pumpkin, no matter what happens i always will"

i nodded and he got up and bent over and gave me a small kiss on my forehead before looking down at me

"never forget it, ok?"

i nodded again and he smiled weakly before heading to the door, when he was in the doorway i called out


he turned to face me slowly


"the skys the limit if we team up"

instead of smiling and saying it back like he usually would he just nodded slightly and walked out, closing the door. When it was shut i instantly sat up confused, what on earth was going on?

I jumped out of bed and went over to the window, i looked out until i saw dad walk out and over to his car, just as he was about to get in his car he turned and looked back at the house and strangely blew it a kiss before getting in his car and driving off.

I sighed and stepped back, what the hell?

I walked over to my side and picked up my phone and opened up a new text to leon and Lexi

Ellie - not coming in, feel really ill :( xx

I sent that before opening up a new one to Elliot

Ellie - hey, study on your own today, feel really ill so im not coming in xxx

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