I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I slowly opened my eyes to the sound of birds tweeting, i grumbled slightly before trying to sit up slowly only to see that i was stuck in Elliots arms. my mind slowly then began to remember the events of last night, meaning the almost-kiss we had.

I looked over at him, he was slowly beginning to stir after i had moved about a bit. I soon saw his eyes open slowly and his mouth turned into a smile when he saw me smiling at me

"morning brooky"

i smiled back, shaking my head slightly, we've ony just woken up yet he still finds it nessecary to call me brooky.

"morning ryans"

he chuckled before slowly sitting up, his hair was everywhere but being honest mine was too, we both chuckled at how we looked before he slowly stood up and offered me his hand, i took it and he pulled me up before helping me back indoors.

When we got inside he put the blanket and radio on his bed and i picked up my phone, i had 28 missed calls from Leon, 11 missed calls from Lexi, 2 from my mum and 1 from dad. I sighed, i didnt even bother checking how many messages i actually had so i just deleted them all. I turned back to Elliot who was looking at me disappointed

"Leon will kill me today wont he?"

i paused before shaking my head and walking up to him, i placed a hand on his cheek

"no, he wont, i wont let him"

Elliot looked up at me and smiled weakly

"thanks Ellie"

i smiled and nodded

"its fine Elliot"

he smiled properly and gave me a quick hug before looking at my uniform

"i can drop you off at yours if you want so you can change?"

i paused and thought

"then we'd have to leave any minute now"

he smiled and took my hand, i smiled at him and followed him along as he went downstairs, his mum was just coming out of the kitchen as she saw us pick up his keys

"oi oi you two!" we both turned to her and she walked up to us sighing

"honestly young lovers these days" she sighed again before giving Elliot a hug and planting a kiss on his cheek

"your still wearing yesterdays clothes you disgusting boy, run and change now"

he sighed and shook his head

"but we need to go now" he said pleading with her

"no you dont, im sure lovely Ellie here doesnt want to kiss someone that hasnt changed or washed now get up those stairs and change Elliot Ryans or i'll drag you by your ear and dont you think i wont"

i was trying to hold in a laugh but watched as he trundled up the stairs slowly to get changed. His mum turned to me and offered me her arms, i hugged her and we pulled back

"honestly you have to keep that boy in line unlike that Vicki girl, eww she was disgusting"

i smiled and nodded slowly, lets not tell her that they're still tell her, i remembered what Elliot said last night about how he wanted her happy.

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