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Author's POV

"Hmm, then we won't have to take our kids to the doctor," he whispered under his breath, cackling fanatically.

"Sorry?" she asked puzzled, not being able to hear what he uttered.

"Ah I mean I'll bring my kids to you when they get sick haha," he covered up for himself exhaling and covering his chest with his palm as to be implicit enough.

What would Eunha think if he said that they won't have to take their kids to the doctor, his face turned red at the divine thought of having kids with Eunha but when he said it, he immediately regretted being so careless.

Close call.

"Sure thing, that'd be great." She added fruitily and then jerked ahead when the bus abruptly crossed a large bump, uninvited.

"Be careful," Soobin said while catching his breath as Eunha was held from her shoulder by him as to protect her from hitting the metal railing on the front seat.

"I'm fine, thanks" she said while recoiling herself from the sudden shock.

The ride continued in harmony when the students reached the orphanage. Minho slowly crept behind Eunha when Soobin was standing with her planning on walking with the girl. "Excuse me," he aimed to walk with Eunha because she was his partner.


"Bye Soobinie, we'll meet later" she said after pacing away with Minho to the rooms catering the orphans. She offered a heartwarming smile to Soobin as his heart sinked at the fact that he won't be able to see her for a while, his brows dropped and a pout reformed on his face.

"Bye," Soobin spoke slowly and then turned to find Beomgyu who was his partner.

All the students dispersed to their allotted places. Minho strolled with Eunha and they found the room they were allotted with. Upon entering, there were a lot of children, aged 8 to 9 and they were all dressed neatly in their stark uniforms.

They both swept a gape around the clustered room and knew that today's mission wasn't going to be as easy as they perceived it to be.

Minho was obliviously judging the surroundings until his vision met Eunha who had bent down to meet a beautiful girl with chest nut eyes who wasn't participating with the others.

She attempted to stroke her hair but the girl was looking downwards and seemed reluctant with the fondling.

"She has Alexithymia," spoke an old voice obvious to be the unanimous father who was in charge of the orphanage.

Everyone called him father because he'd do everything that a father would do for his kids; taking them out for a treat, counsel them, solve their problems and above all he would treat them as one. Not like they're outcast.

"Oh," Eunha uttered while gazing at the young girl endearingly, clearly sympathetic.

She then smiled at the girl, patting her head while squatting on the floor and then standing up. "She's really pretty," she said, somewhat mesmerized by the younger's visuals.

Minho made his way to stand next to Eunha so that he could meet the young girl as well and then pulled out his palm while brushing his fingers under the girl's chin, just like he'd do with a cat. The girl pulled back leading to a frown on Minho's face, and what enhanced his frown was a light slap on his shoulder by Eunha.

"Minho," Eunha said while smiling fakely, to behave presentably in front of the staff.

"Ahan, did I do something wrong?" he quizzed with jittery expressions as his eyes got hooded and he asked with a concerned glimpse attached to his lips.

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