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2 Years later

Yeonjun's POV

Eunha was in a coma and I had still not considered myself succeeded in the task of saving her.

Her condition only brought grief to me and I didn't know how it could be made possible to improve it unless there were some super powers or some mumbo-jumbo to resolve it. I visited the girl of my dreams every single day, buying lilies alongside myself, something I wished that I had done when she was conscious... so that she knew how important she was to me.

I figured that I should go by to check on her mother too since she was really sick these days, diagnosed to anxiety, depression and insomnia.

When I went to their house, I took a deep breath and then raised my fist to knock on the door standing in front of me. Moments later, a maid came to my attendance and opened it so that I could enter the once green house of Kim Eunha.

It looked so barren right now as if nobody had been taking care of it that much; there was dust on the furniture and moths flying helter skelter, a gloomy scene it depicted.

"Where is miss Kim?" I asked the maid after bowing a hello.

"Miss Kim? She's upstairs in her room." She instructed me, her face evident of gruffness.

I pursed my lips and made an affirming smile while nodding, walking upstairs and into Miss Kim's room. She lied on the bed with her back faced towards me and it affected me how she had grown so weak in a matter of 2 years.


She didn't turn her back around and just persisted in her scrawny state until I entered her room myself and sat on the wooden stool beside her bed.

"Miss Kim... It's me Yeonjun-" I hesitantly spoke as if talking to a statue, mustering up all the courage I possessed to face her.

I elicited no response from her side therefore I continued talking to her before a prolonged silence could engulf the room pathetically.

"You've gotten really weak so I was wishing for your good health. I-I got you some flowers too," I added concern to my tone but obviously I was ashamed facing her.

"Is Eunha out of coma?" she questioned in the weakest and lowest frequency possible, contributing to her sickness.

I gave a breathy sigh and uttered a no after which she started weeping with light sobs audible to where I was sitting. I stood up from my chair and placed a hand on her right arm in an attempt to console her but she was so anxious at that point that it was uncontrollable.

I instantly called the nurses that were taking care of her at that state and the room was filled with angst and hostility. I was really worried about miss Kim so I stood there while the doctors checked her but then the CRO beside her gave a signal that was dying out right in front of my eyes.

My orbs bulged out as I witnessed the horror until the machines stopped working giving nothing but a straight line-

Miss Kim had passed away...

DREAMING | TXT Choi Yeonjun |❤️||✔️|Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat