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"Rise and shine." Yuzuru yelled as Shouko and Shoya. They slowly got up. "I hope you slept well." She said happily. Good morning Shouko signed to both of them. They got up and made their way to the kitchen. Shouko's mom has made them eggs and bacon for breakfast. "Wow breakfast looks great." Yuzuru said happily. "Thank you. I wanted to work a little harder this morning seeing as we have a guest over." She explained looking over at Shoya. "Oh you really don't have to go out or your way for me, I'll eat whatever."

Shoya's point of view:
I don't want to cause trouble for her or anything. I she seemed really busy, I don't want to add on to that. I probably shouldn't have stayed. 

Narrators point of view:

Shouko's mom got up from the table and grabbed her work bag. "I'm off to work now guys." She told them with a little wave. 'Bye, be safe.' Shouka signed as Yuzuru stuffed a fork full of eggs into her mouth. Shoya looked down at his breakfast and couldn't help but feel guilty. "You not hungry?" Yuzuru asked Shoya confused. "Hu, oh no sorry just spaced out there for a second. Sorry." He answered awkwardly. He took a small bite out of some bacon and started to make his way to the rest. After a little while Shoya finished up and got up to leave. "Wait you're not leaving yet are you?" Yuzuru asked him sadly. Shouka gave him a bit of a sad expression. His heart fluttered a bit seeing her get sad by him leaving, but he shook his head as if he could shake the thought out of his mind. "I've already been a bit of an intrusion already." He told her. "Thank you for breakfast and for letting me stay." He said and signed for Shouka. 'You can stay a little longer. It is a weekend. It will be okay.' Shouka signed. 

Shoya's point of view:

I just can't stay any longer. I already stayed the night, that in itself is pretty bad. They probably just feel obligated to ask me to stay. They probably don't really want me to stay too much longer. I know if I were them I wouldn't. Then, why did Shouka look so sad? Wait no you shouldn't stay any longer. Mom needs you anyway. That's a decant excuse. But, I don't want to make Shouka sad. But-

Narrator's point of view:

Shoya's mind went back and forth like that for a little too long until he said, "I'm sorry, I really can't stay any longer. Mom want's me to help with Maria." He told them a little too loud. His heart raced a little with the anxiety that he had made the wrong choice. "Well, okay then. We'll see you soon." Yuzuru replied very obviously concerned why Shoya was so nervous. Shouka studied his face for a second. 

Shouka's point of view:

Is he okay? Did we say something? Maybe I shouldn't have shared a room with him. What if that freaked him out!? What if he really is telling the truth and I'm just over thinking it? I guess we should just let him go then. But-but I was really looking forward to use being able to hang out today. 

Narrator's point of view:

Shouka gave Shoya a soft smile. Shoya's mind was flooded with memories of that same smile. A smile that looked like it held back the worlds greatest pain. Memories of younger Shouka giving him the same little smile all those years ago seemed to blind side him. His heart sank a little as he slowly walked out the door and tried not to make it too obvious what was going on. He started walking down the road slowly as everything came back to him. 

Shoya's point of view:

What did I do!? What did I do?! I haven't seen her make that face in so long. Was I supposed to stay? I haven't seen Shouka so sad in so long. 

Narrator's point of view:

Shoya let himself look back on the painful memories of sixth grade. Shouka wore that smile everyday back then. Shoya winced from the memory. Sixth grade was arguable the worst time in his entire life. Last year might have been worse thought when he lost all his friends except Shouka and Yuzuru. The loneliness from that only lasted about a month or so and then things went back to normal, after sixth grade he was lonely for years. Shoya walked past over the bridge that cemented everything that happened last yeast and went on to look at the trees that were dotted around the lake. After his coma from last year Shoya couldn't help but see how beautiful everything in life really was. The sun shinning through the leaves an a late weekend morning was something Shoya used to take for granted. His mind slowly started to calm down as the sun shown down on his face. After a little while of walking Shoya made it to the hair salon and was tackled by Maria. "Sho Sho!" She yelled. Shoya fell back a little as he caught the little girl in his arms. "You're getting bigger everyday." He told her with a smile. Maria looked up at him cutely. "He Shoya I have a customer, can you babysit Maria for a little while." Shoya's mom asked him as she walked away. "Sure thing." He yelled after her. 

Shoya's point of view:

Well it's a good thing I decided to come back home. 

Narrator's point of view:

Shoya grabbed Maria and took her out back to play. 

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