A Trip to the Aquarium

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Shouya's point of view:

What does Yuzuru even want to do today? I just kinda let them take me on a whim, I have no idea what the actual plan is here.

Narrator's point of view:

Yuzuru led them through the little city they called home with Shouko walking by his side. Shouya glanced over at her to see her expression. She looked slightly excited. Shouya smile to himself seeing her get bubbly with excitement, even if she was hiding it well. 

Shouya's point of view:

Well as long as she's excited it can't be too bad. Shouko isn't really the type to like really outgoing things, though she has been doing more things since last year. I think that's a good thing though. The more she can live her life like a normal person the better.  

Narrator's point of view:

"Yasho! Yasho!" Nagatsuka called. Miyoko and Toshi were standing next to him. Miyoko ran up to Shouko and gave her a big hug squeezing her a bit. "How are you doing?" She asked slowly while signing with Shouko. 'I'm great.' Shouko signed. "That's wonderful." Miyoko replied. Yuzuru got out her camera and started studying it in her hands. "Don't worry Miss Drama Queen and Miss Bratty Princess won't be here today. They had things going on. Though I doubt that we'll be so luck next time." Yuzuru told Shouya smugly. Though Shouya tried not to be rude, he let out a sigh of relief, knowing that he wouldn't have to deal with them causing trouble. Shouya thought back to last year and about everything that had happened on that very bridge. That was probably the worst fight he had ever had. 

Shouya's point of view:

I mean, did we even resolve that fight. I mean I know we all apologized, but we never really talked it over with anyone. We all just kinda said we were sorry, well except for Naoka. I wonder if we'll have to address that one day?

Narrator's point of view:

"So what are we doing today?" Shouya asked Yuzuru. "Wait you don't know what we're doing yet you came anyway?" Toshi asked playfully. "Uh, well Yuzuru said it would be fun, so I just kinda went along with it." Shouya explained nervously. "Yasho my man, we're going to the aquarium." Nagatsuka explained. "It'll be really fun, plus I don't Shouko has ever been to one, have you?" Miyoko added as she asked Shouko has ever been to an Aquarium before. She shook her head no, "Well I guess that settles it then." Toshi declared. Yuzuru jumped and hugged her sister's arm tight and Shouko ran her hand over her brown short hair. The six of them started to make their way down town to where most of the fun things were. Everyone was laughing and playfully teasing each other. Shouko fell to the back of their little pack without much notice. 

Shouko's point of view:

They're all so sweet to try and learn sign language, but it has to be exhausting to do all the time. I hope that they don't feel like they need to try so hard. They do know that I don't need them to know sign for them to be my friends right? What if they all thing I don't want to be near them unless they know some sign?! If that the kind of impression I give off?

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