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Narrator's point of view:

Shouko stood up and started walking through the crowd. Nagatsuka turned and saw Shouya's face. "Hey, you okay their buddy?" He asked. Shouya didn't hear him. He couldn't hear anything but his running thoughts, his breathing, and the constant booms of the fireworks.

Shouya's point of view:

I can't let her go again! I can't! I can't! I can't! I CAN'T! I have to go after her. I can barely move though. Why can't I move? Will I be able to make it this time? I can't let her die! I can't loose her!

Narrator's point of view:

"It's so crowded here. I don't really like being around all these people." Noaka complained. "You could always leave." Miki hissed under her breath. Noaka stared Miki down for her comment. "Now, now. Let's go somewhere less crowded." Toshi explained. He took Miki by the hand and led her through the crowd with Noaka behind them. "There looks like a decant place." Toshi pointed out. There was a shrine on top of a small hill overlooking the festival. "You two go on up their and I'll grab us some food." Toshi told them. They both nodded and made their way up to the shrine. "Did you really come just to hang out with Toshi and me?" Miki asked suddenly. Noaka turned to her with a blank expression. "Yeah. I care about the friendships I made back in elementary school and at the park." Noaka explained. They kept climbing. "Except Shouko right." Miki added. "Shouko doesn't count since I never saw as a friend." Noaka snapped. "And why is that?" Miki asked more as an accusation. "I just never liked her!" Noaka replied. "We both know that simply not liking someone isn't the reason why you hated her in the first place. You can act all you want that it was because of what happened last year, but you hated her before that." Miki told Noaka. Noaka clutched her fist and her eyes wavered. "What do you know?" She hissed. "You hater her out of jealousy don't you Noaka?" Miki pointed out.

Shouya's point of view:

Move Shouya! Move! You have to do something! You have to save her!

Narrator's point of view:

Shouya stood up shakily. "Hey, yasho. You really don't looked well." Nagatsuka pointed out. Yuzuru looked back at him too. "Yeah, are you okay?" She exclaimed. Shouya stumbled a little and whispered. "I have to go find Shouko." Nagatsuka and Yuzuru looked at each other concerned. Shouya slowly walked off the mat and into the sea of people. "Yasho wait!" Nagatsuka yelled. The lights around him were almost blinding. People walked every which way and Shouya stumbled mindlessly through the crowd.

Shouya's point of view:

I need to get a grip! I need to go faster than this! I can't let her get too far away!

Narrator's point of view:

Shouya started walking faster and faster through the crowd until he was sprinting to try and find Shouko. His eyes darted every which way. "Yasho!" Nagatsuka screamed after him. "Shouya!" Yuzuru called after him. Shouya heard them, but couldn't listen. He had to find her. He pushed his way past people and blinked wildly to keep the tears from fogging his vision. He suddenly saw Shouko walking up a hill near the shrine. Adrenaline shot shot through his body and he raced to over to the shrine.

Narrator's point of view:

Miki and Noaka made it to the top of the shrine. The leaned against it's back wall and looked out over the festival. "You have no right to call me out like that." Naoka scolded Miki. Miki smirked. "It's pay back for what you said at the school." Naoka sighed. "It's honestly hard to tell why I was jealous at first though. Maybe it was all the attention she got. Different teachers coming in to check on her, people always talking about her. It only got worse when Shouya got in trouble." Naoka admitted. Miki listened with her knees up to her chest. Naoko looked up to the stars. "I felt like I couldn't talk to him anymore after that. When I saw him again in highschool he liked Shouko. It all flared back up and I couldn't handle it." Naoka explained. She turned to Miki. "So why did you lie?" Naoka asked. Miki opened her mouth to yell something, but sighed. "At the time, I guess a part of me was jealous, but I also didn't see anything wrong with it. I thought we were all joking around. I got so scared when I was accused. I didn't want to get in trouble, so I cried. I later twisted my own memory into thinking that I never thought it was okay and that I was the hero of everything." Miki explained.

Narrator's point of view:

Shouya ran up the stairs to the shrine after Shouko. Step by step he desperately tried to get to her. "Shouko!" He screamed as he ran up the stairs. He was close enough to where she could hear him. She turned around confused and surprised. Shouya ran up the stairs and up to her. 'Shouya?' She signed confused. Shouya ran up and grabbed her shoulders. "Shouko please listen to me!" Shouya yelled and the signed. Yuzuru and Nagatuska ran up the stairs and stopped when they saw Shouya had made it to Shouko. Miki and Naoka listened in from behind without the rest of them knowing. Toshi walked up just in time to hear everything too with two bags of food in hand. Miyoko, who was already at the head of the shrine, turned around shocked. Shouya didn't notice anyone else other than Shouko though. He stood back and signed while he spoke and cried. "This year has almost been an exact repeat of last year, but I'm not going to let myself make the same mistake I did last year." He cried, a few tears fell down his cheeks. "I won't let you die Shouko! You can't! I can't let you be in that much pain again!" Shouya explained. Shouko's eyes widened. "I want you to be okay Shouko, more than anything in the world! I want you to live a happy life, with me! I need you Shouko! You can't- You can't try and jump again! I can't loose you!" Shouko yelled Shouko looked around wildly as her heart ached to see Shouya cry. He hung his head and cried. "Shouko, please don't go." He whispered. Shouko walked over to him and hugged him. Shouya squeezed her tightly and continued to cry. He stood a little in front of her and said more calmly while signing. "Shouko, I need you. I need you in my life. Because, I love you." A few tears started to fall from Shouko's eyes. "Uhm, Shouya? Are you okay?" Miyoko asked. Shouya looked up shocked. "What are you-" "I uh, I texted Shouko and asked her to meet me up here." Miyoko explained blushing. Shouya looked down at Shouko and jumped back a little shocked. "I uh-" Shouya muttered. "My man, confessing under the fireworks." Nagatsuka replied. "N-no wait." Shouya stuttered. "Shouya." Shouko said as best she could. "I love you too." She told him. Everything clicked. She had tried to say this before! She felt the same way! All this time! Shouya ran up and hugged Shouko.

Shouko's point of view:

Is this a dream? Is this really happening?

Shouya's point of view:

I can't believe I never noticed before! She loved me too! She loves me!

Narrator's point of view:

In the heat of the moment Shouko's face got red as she looked into Shouya's eyes. She leaned into his face and gently kissed his lips. A spark ran between them. She pulled back and smiled with her face red. She then signed ' together.' and Shouya did the same.

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