To the Amusement Park Pt.2

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     Narrator's point of view:

Shouko looked back at Shouya and gave him a little smile. 'Are you okay?' She signed. "Oh yeah." Shouya signed and said. They made their way threw the park with Shouko walking in front of Shouya. Shouya looked at the surrounding happy families with little children along with the few couples sprinkled threw the park walking around and holding hands. Shouya looked down at his hand again and felt his cheeks redden a little more. 

Shouya's point of view:

I can't believe I grabbed Shouko's hand like that! That must have been so out of left field for Shouko. She doesn't seem to be mad or anything though. Still though I probably shouldn't have done that. Her hand, was a lot smaller than I thought it was. No, I really shouldn't be thinking about that right now.

Shouko's point of view:

I can't believe Shouya actually held my hand! He really did that! Ah, I'm afraid I'm going to get separated, there are a lot of people here. Would it help if I walked behind him? No I think it would be just as likely for me to loose him then. 

Narrator's point of view:

Shouko kept looking back at Shouya trying to make sure that she didn't loose him while he was off lost in his thoughts. Stumbling threw a sea of people while only having one person to keep up with was a lot harder than Shouko thought it would be. Shouko glanced at Shouya's hand, and felt her cheeks brighten lightly. 

Shouko's point of view:

Well he did take the first move with that. My attempt has reason too. 

Narrator's point of view:

Shouko slowed down to Shouya's walking speed. She was knocked a little closer to him by a passer by and she knew she should go ahead and do it. Shouko took Shouya's hand into hers and looked up at him. 

Shouya's point of view:

What is she doing? What? Did she just take my hand? Why? Is she okay? 

Narrator's point of view:

Shouya looked down at Shouko stunned. Shouko gave him a little awkward smile. He blushed a little harder. "Are you okay?" He signed and asked. 'Just easier to keep up.' Shouko signed. 

Shouya's point of view:

Oh okay I guess that makes sense. Still though, I really shouldn't be as embarrassed about it as I am, I mean we're friends. Right, yeah we're still friends. It shouldn't be that weird for us to be holding hands. Then again though, holding hands isn't exactly something friends really do. 

Narrator's point of view:

Shouko and Shouya made their way out of the crowd hands still locked. Shouko glanced at the Ferris wheel and sighed. Shouya glanced at her eyes. They seemed distant and melancholy. Shouya tapped her on the shoulder and Shouko spun around slightly startled. "Shouko, why did you want to come here?" Shouya asked and signed for Shouko. Shouko looked down with a slightly sad smile.

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