Old Friends

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Narrator's point of view:

     Shouko laid on her bed a little bored while she just let her mind wonder for a bit. Her phone blinked and brought her back to reality. She grabbed her phone to see who had just texted her. It was Miyoko. 'Do you you want to have a little friend date today?' The text read. Shouko smiled to herself. 

Shouko's point of view:

     Miyoko is probably the only girl who isn't related to me that I really consider a friend. She's always to sweet to me. Going out is the least I can do. Besides I was bored anyway. I wonder what she'll want us to do?

Narrator's point of view:

     'Sure :) What do you want to do? ;)' Shouko replied. 'Maybe just out to eat and then maybe shop a little.' Miyoko replied. Shouko sat up and texted. 'I'll be ready in about half an hour:)' Shouko texted as she got up and got ready for the fun girl date she would go on for the  first time in a year. 

Narrator's point of view: 

     Miki stood in front of Naoka nervously. Naoka looked up at her in disinterest. "What did you want to talk about?" Naoka asked casually. Miki folded her arms and looked away. She still hated Naoka for that she did all those years ago, not to mention what she had said to her just the year before. "Yesterday Shouya came to hang out with me and Toshi." Miki started. Naoko looked up as she pushed herself on the swing a little. "Did he now?" She asked in a teasing way. Miki's face frowned with frustration. "To cut things short we ended up having a fight." Miki snapped hotly. Naoka looked back down at her. "Let me guess, it was about what happened in sixth grade?" Naoka asked knowingly. Miki's neck reddened. "Look, it's been eating at me for a while so I want your opinion since you were there, your honest opinion." Miki added sternly. Naoko tiled her head to show that she was listening. Miki took a deep breath. "Do you think that even though I knew what was going on, that, it makes me. It makes me somewhat responsible. Even though it was scared and young and didn't know what to do?" Miki asked her voice shifting as if begging for Naoka to quiet her fears. There was a second of silence between them that was only filled with the silent squeak of the swing that Naoka sat on. "Of course it does. I was there Miki, you weren't scared. You just didn't think it was a big deal until Shouya got in trouble." Naoka answered. Miki felt as if her heart shattered. She bit her lower lip in frustration. "What do you know about how I feel?" Miki screamed. "You can't deny it Miki, just move on. You're the only one holding on to what happened." Naoka retaliated harshly. Miki's neck reddened even more as she knew thought up how she was going to win this little argument. 

Narrator's point of view:

     Shouko walked down the street looking around for Miyoko. In the distance she saw Miyoko waving to her from a distance. She had a bright smile on her face that illuminated Shouko's heart. Shouko rushed over to her and gave her a bright smile. Miyoko gave her a giant huge and stepped back to sign, 'How have you been?' 

Shouko's point of view:

    Her sign is getting better. She's been practicing. 

Narrator's point of view:

     'I'm great.' Shouko signed back. They walked into a reasonably priced restaurant. They sat down and ordered their food and went straight to signing to each other. 'How has school been?' Shouko asked. Miyoko smiled. 'It's been great. I've learned a lot of new things. I really think I can make it some day.' She signed quickly as her heart raced. Shouko couldn't help but laugh to herself because of Miyoko's energy. Miyoko suddenly looked at Shouko with a bit of a smirk on her face. 'So, if you don't mind me asking. How are things going with Shouya?' She signed. Shouko's cheeks blushed a bright pink. 

Shouko's point of view:

     W-why would she ask that? What does she mean? Does she think that me and Shouya are dating? Why would she think that? Why am I so flustered about that?

Narrator's point of view:

     'Why do you ask?' Shouko signed back trying to act as casual as possible. Miyoko smiled. 'I just would have figured you two would be together by now.' Miyoko explained. Shouko's face flushed even harder. 

Shouko's point of view:

     She can't be serious about that! H-w-Ahhh! Calm down Shouko, she's just teasing you. You can't get this flustered. But still! Does she think Shouya likes me? How would she know? 

Narrator's point of view:

     Shouko laughed nervously quietly. 'I don't think Shouya would be interested in me.' Shouko signed back as if playing along. Miyoko tilted her head a little confused. "How come?" She signed and said out loud. Shouko's eyes widened a little bit. The thought that her and Shouya would be seen as normal to her, and possibly Shouya. 'I just don't think he would be interested like that.' Shouko answered not entirely sure of her answer. Miyoko rested her head in her hands as she put her elbow on the table. "Don't understate yourself Shouko. Your a mighty fine catch." Miyoko signed and said with a friendly smile on her face. Shouko smiled to herself. If anything, she could at least entertain the thought. 

Narrator's point of view:

     "I never did anything to Shouko!" Miki screamed with a few tears brimming her eyes. "You never did anything to help her either Miki, so just shut up about it!" Naoka yelled back. "I was just so scared!" Miki screamed back in defense. "No you were not Miki!" Naoka screamed. Miki froze for a second. Naoka stood up from her swing. "You just think that you were scared, because that makes you feel better! You look back and think that you were this helpless little girl who watched everything that happened in terror! But that's crap Miki and deep down you know that! I would say all these things about Shouko and you would laugh with some vague comment that it was mean! You would see Shouko get hurt by Shouya and just asked her later if she was alright instead of ever telling him to stop in any serious way or at the very least telling a teacher!" Naoka screamed. Miki's tears continued to fall. There was silence between the two of them. "I'm sorry I asked you to meet me Naoko. I knew it was a bad idea." Miki replied. Naoka sat back down on her swing and Miki left quickly covering her tears with her hands. 

Narrator's point of view:

     Shouko and Miyoko walked around the mall laughing and having a fun time. Miyoko locked hands with Shouko as they walked around looking at clothes. It didn't feel as quit as natural as Shouya's hand, but it made her feel normal and wanted. Evening came and Miyoko was walking Shouko back home when the thought came to Shouko 

Shouko's point of view:

     She's my best girl friend. I think she has a right to know. Yuzuru is the only person who I've ever told. Besides, maybe it'll be like what girls do on sleepovers.

Narrator's point of view:

     Shouko stopped walking and looked down at the ground with her cheeks flushed. 'You okay?' Miyoko signed concerned. Shouko looked up at her showing her the pink on her cheeks. 'Actually Miyoko. I think that I like Shouya. Like, like like him.' Shouko signed. 

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