To the Amusement Park Pt.1

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Narrator's point of view:

The gang made their way uptown with only Yuzuru knowing where they were headed. "Come on just tell us." Miyoko pleaded. Yuzuru smirked and gave a little giggle. "Nope." She stated plainly. "Come on we have to know at least a little where we are going, or else we can't be ready." Toshi pointed out. "You are free to guess." Yuzuru taunted. "To the park?" Miyoko guessed. "No that's boring." Yuzuru answered. "A restaurant?"Nagatsuka guessed with hope in his voice. "I think you're just hungry." Shouya laughed. "Hey." Nagatsuka said defensively. "What about you Shouya where do you think we'll go?" Miyoko asked. 

Shouya's point of view:

Yuzuru hasn't said much. Then it must be a place we've never been to before right? Well that's not really true. Well if it's a place we've never been too before, and since we just spent a while at the aquarium and we only have about four hours of sunlight, then maybe.

Narrator's point of view:

"I'm not sure, the movies?" Shouya just asked without thinking. Everyone in the group got really quiet. Everyone looked around at each other. Shouko noticed the sudden air of awkwardness and asked Yuzuru to explain. As soon as Shouko did it suddenly hit Shouya. "Oh my gosh I'm so dumb! I'm so sorry I wasn't thinking! How stupid of me!" Shouya said frantically. Nagatsuka suddenly started laughing as Yuzuru started to giggle. 

Shouya's point of view:

That was so stupid of me! How insensitive can I be? Of course we aren't going to the movies Shouko would have to tell what was going on just by watching what was happening. I'm such an idiot. 

Shouko's point of view:

Oh so that's what happened. Sounds like something Shouya would say. It's weird though, I don't feel bad about it or anything. If anything it makes we weirdly happy. Not happy that I'm deaf, but that- I don't know- that Shouya isn't always thinking about how I'm deaf. Without thinking about it he just sees me as a normal person who can do anything anyone else can. That's oddly sweet to me, or maybe I just think that cause it's Shouya.

Narrator's point of view:

Shouko walked over to Shouya and signed, 'It's okay. I don't mind.' While giving him a cute little smile. Shouya blushed and gave her a little smile back. "Well since Shouya ruined the guessing game I guess I should just tell you guys. We're going to the amusement park!" Yuzuru declared. She the signed it for Shouko while everyone had mixed emotions painted on their face. "Wait the same one we went to last time?" Shouya asked. "Yup." Yuzuru answered proudly. Toshi and Nagatsuka exchanged glances. "If it was somewhere new then why have us guess?"Miyoko asked trying to hold back her confusion. Yuzuru got a little defensive. "Hey come on it's still going to be fun." She told them. They all looked at each other knowing that she was right, but still not able to get the notion out of their heads about how weird it was that she acted like this would be a new experience for them. 

Shouya's point of view:

I was way off. I didn't have a good reason to think that now.

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