A Not so Quick Delivery

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Shoya's point of view:

That was so stupid! Why did I leave her to order by herself. It wouldn't have killed me to take her with me. Now I embarrassed her in front of everyone there.

Narrator's point of view:

Shoya frustratingly rolled over in his relatively new bed as he thought about what had happened with Shouko. He felt guilty for what he put her threw. He laid there his eyes on his mind when Maria called for him. "Sho sho it's time to eat!" She yelled. "Ok I'll be right down!" He yelled back. Shoya slowly made his way down stairs to the small table were his mom and just grilled a few burgers. "I thought I would do something a bit different tonight." Shoya's mom told them. Shoya sat down and at away at his burger as his mind drifted back to that afternoon. "So Shoya," his mom started, "I heard you had classes today with Shouko, how did that go?" She asked. "Oh, it went fine." Shoya said nervously. "I'm so glad you guys are in the same class again." Shoya's mom said happily.

Shoya's point of view:

     Kinda of a weird thing for you to say mom considering what happened last time. I mean weird sentiment but whatever I guess.

Narrator's point of view:

     "Yeah we didn't go over anything too hard today so I didn't exactly learn anything new or anything, it was still fun to do though." Shoya told her telling the truth I a way but definitely embellishing it a bit. After Shoya had finished his food he was about to walk back to his room when his mom stopped him. "Oh Shoya, I was wondering if you could take this for me." She told him handing him a bag of burger patties. "Misses Nishimiya would love to have some." She told him. "When do you want me to take them?" Shoya asked half heartedly. "Right now." She replied bluntly. "What right now!" He asked confused and a bit frustrated. "Yes sir we had too much and Mrs.Nishimiya would love them. She is still having trouble cooking for Shouko and Yuzuru with there grandmother no longer being able to help with dinner." She told her sternly.

Shoya's point of view:

     I honestly don't think seeing Shouko right now would be a great idea. But she guilt tripped me, so guess I have to.

Narrator's point of view:

     Shoya road his bike across town to where there quant little house was. He looked up to see clouds rolling over head. He hurried up a little more to try and beat the rain. He made it to there house when he knocked on the door. Yuzuru opened the door and was genuinely surprised. "Oh Shoya what are you doing here?" She asked. "My mom wanted me to give you guys these." Shoya said a bit embarrassed. "Well come inside for a sec." she offered. Shoya slowly walked inside the house and looked around. "Oh Shoya what a pleasant surprise." Mrs. Nishimiya said in her usual monotone voice. "Thank you for having me. My mom wanted to share with you a little bit of our dinner." Shoya said awkwardly.

Shoya's point of view:

     To this day she still kinda scares me.

Narrator's point of view:

     After a little while Shouko came out of her room and was shocked to find Shoya. Hey Shouko he told her in sign.

Shouko's point of view:

     W-what is Shoya doing here? I hope he doesn't mention what happened today at the restaurant to mom or Yuzuru.

Narrator's point of view:

     It started raining hard outside as Shoya was about to leave. Shoya slowly waked over to him and gently grabbed his arm. "What is it Shouko." He asked her. His face went slightly red.

Shoya's point of view:

     Why does it feel so weird for her to hold my arm like that?!

Narrator's point of view:

     It's raining hard. You should stay here tonight she signed to him. "I don't know if I can." He both said and signed to her. "I wouldn't mind if you stayed the night." Mrs. Nishimiya told him. "Uhhh," "yeah Shoya it'll be fun." Yuzuru chimed in. Please Shouko signed. Shoya couldn't say no after that. "Sure let me just call my mom." He told them as Shouko and Yuzuru happily rushed off to make his bed for the night.

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