Friends Fight

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Narrator's point of view:

Shouya felt like he could stay there gazing at Shouko and the forest around them forever, but the fireflies soon started to fall asleep one by one. "I think we should head back." Toshi pointed out. Shouya sighed. "Yeah. I think you're right." He replied. They all started making their way out of the forest guided by the flashlight on their phones. The made it through the maze of darkened trees and made it back to the path.

Shouko's point of view:

Shouya brought us all here cause I was getting bored at the store. That's so sweet. I can't believe he would go through all the trouble. I- I really don't want him to though. He has enough on his plate with school and learning sign and keeping his friends. I can't add to that. But- it means a lot to me that he did.

Narrator's point of view:

"Now did you find that place?" Miki asked Shouya conversationally. Shouya looked down. "I found it with a few friends back in sixth grade." Shouya answered quietly. They made it to the end of the path. "Well I guess that's good that you took us then." Miki said with an off smile.

Shouya's point of view:

What does she mean by that? Knowing her it could mean about anything.

Narrator's point of view:

"What do you mean by that?" Shouya asked harshly. Miki walked over to Shouko and grabbed her hand. "You took us here as a way to make up for all the stuff you did back then." Miki replied cheerfully. Shouya stared at her for a second. Tension started growing between them.

Shouya's point of view:

She did not just say what I think she said. She did! She acts like she was just as hurt as Shouko was! Miki still hasn't gotten a hold of herself? Are you kidding me? Who does she think she is? Wait, no I know the answer to that. She thinks she's the tragic princess who helps everybody.

Narrator's point of view:

"Well. For me personally it was a bit more of a sorry for Shouko. She's the whole reason why I wanted to come anyway." Shouya explained in a calm but slightly on edge voice. Miki's smile faded into frustration. "Well I think it was only fitting that I said both of us Shouya." Miki snapped. Shouya felt the back of his neck redden a bit. "Well I didn't Miki. So just drop it." Shouya snapped back and started to walk away. Shouko started to follow them. Miki's eyes started brimming with tears. "You can't just say stuff like Shouya! You act like I was the bully!" Miki screamed. Tears started streaming down her face. Shouya stopped in his tracks. Memories of the past started flooding back to him. Memories of Shouko's face. Memories if being isolated. He remembered the exact moment that all of his friends turned on him. It had been Miki's tears that had turned the whole class against him. That made the class separate themselves from his actions even though they were part of the war. Shouya stood there in silence. Shouko walked beside him and tugged on his shirt a little.

Shouko's point of view:

They're fighting. Just like last year. I can't take this. Shouya tries so hard to keep everyone happy. I can't bare to see him sad again. Please, please don't let this be like last year.

Narrator's point of view:

"Don't stand there in silence Shouya like you're right! I never did anything to hurt Shouko!" Miki screamed. Toshi walked over and put his hands on Miki's shoulders. "Now let's just calm down." He tried. "Yeah well I didn't see you doing much to help Shouko either!" Shouya yelled. Miki stood there for a second. Toshi and Shouko stared at him.

Shouya's point of view:

Someone had to say it. Someone had to tell her. I can't stand it anymore. I deserve all the blame I get for what I did and more, but she needs to be held accountable for what she did to Shouko. She can't be her friend now and act like she doesn't have to say sorry. Shouko deserves better than that.

Narrator's point of view:

Miki's face got more enraged as more tears started to fall. "I was too scared to say anything you know that!" Miki screamed. "Miki please." Toshi begged. "Don't just say that to me!" She screamed. Shouya's face got redder. "You didn't look scared to me Miki!" Shouya retorted. Miki turned around to him shocked. "You watched everything I did! You stood there and laughed! You know you did! And if you thought it was so wrong then why didn't you tell the teacher! It had been over two mouths Miki! You had plenty of time!" Shouya yelled. Shouko stared at him horrified of what would happen next. Miki looked down and kept crying. "I-I" She stammered. "You were just as bad Miki. You're not above Naoka and me. Stop acting like it." Shouya told her calmer. "I never said I was!" Miki retorted. "Yeah well you act like it!" Shouya replied. Miki stood there for a second. "I never did anything to hurt of be mean to Shouko." Miki cried. Shouya felt his face get even hotter. "You didn't stop us Miki! You watch with a smile on your face til you and everyone else remembered it was wrong! So why don't you stop acting like nothing happened and finally apologize to Shouko after all these years!" Shouya screamed. "I didn't do anything so I'm not going to." Miki hissed. "Then until you apologize for making Shouko go through all that alone then we aren't friends anymore!" Shouya snapped. Miki stared at him for a second. "Fine! I never wanted to be friends with a bully anyway! You're just saying all this cause you don't want to admit that you were the worst of us! That it was you who started it and it was you who did almost everything! It was you who put Shouko what she went through!" Miki screamed and ran off. Toshi hesitated for a second, then ran after her.

Shouya's point if view:

S-she's right. I'm still blowing up. I'm still hurting people. I haven't changed. I've just grown a little. I'm still the same kid. I still have all that hatred in my heart. I still can't make up for what I did. I still want to drag people down to my level.

Narrator's point of view:

Shouko looked up at him with concerned eyes. 'It's fine Shouko. I'll be okay. I'll walk you home okay?' Shouya asked sweetly. Shouko nodded. They slowly made their way out of the hiking area and towards Shouko's house.

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