Double Date

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Narrator's point of view:

     Time seemed to slow down. Shouya stood there in shock. He slowly glanced over at Shouko. "W-what?" Shouya asked stunned. 

Shouya's point of view:

     This has to be some kind of mistake. They can't actually have just asked me to take Shouko on a date. I have to be hearing things!

Narrator's point of view:

     "Listen, I know that this a little sudden. But it would be a great help for me and Miki if you did." Toshi urged. Shouya stumbled back a little bit. "But-" "Haven't you taken Shouko out before?" Miki asked confused. "What?" Shouya shouted a little to loudly. "Shouko told us that you guys to the mall just you two." Toshi explained. Shouya sighed. "That wasn't a date." He told them plainly. "Look Shouya we really need this. Please, Shouko agreed to go if you did." Miki begged. 

Shouya's point of view:

     What?! They really want me to go on a real date with Shouko? Why? I can't! I'll do something stupid, or worse I'll do something to make her cry again! I can't. Why did Shouko agree though? Does she want to go? She's always wanted to help everyone out any way she can, I don't want her to go just to make them happy. Or even worse, to make me happy. But what if she does really want to go and now she can't because I won't go? Ahhh I don't know!

Narrator's point of view:

     "Why do you need me and Shouko to come along?" Shouya asked still stunned. "You heard what we just started dating. I'm not ready for something so big yet." Miki explained hiding her little blush behind her pigtails. "If you guys were there I would be less nervous." She added. Shouya sighed. He glanced back at Shouko. She was looked at him with a curious and hopeful stare. Shouya turned back to Miki. "Fine." He sighed. 

Shouya's point of view:

     I can't believe I'm really doing this. Am I just using this as an excuse to hang out with Shouko? Maybe, but it's not like this means we're dating. 

Shouko's point of view:

     I can't believe it. He said yes! He-he said he would go! So he's going to take me on this double date? I can't believe it. I feel weirdly excited. 

Narrator's point of view:

     The four of them walked to a bigger mall not too far from Shouko's house. Miki was the head of the little line they had telling everyone where to go while clinging to Toshi's arm every chance she got. "You know for a girl how was to nervous to even go on a date with him she sure does like to be all over him every chance she gets." Shouya whispered under his breath. Shouko took noticed and signed, 'What did you say?' Shouya blushed with embarrassment. 'It's nothing.' Shouya signed back. "Okay guys, lets go here." Miki called as she ran into a clothing store. Miki grabbed Toshi's hand and ran him to the back of the store. Shouya and Shouko slowly made their way near the front of the store. "Are you having an okay time?" Shouya signed and said to Shouko. She smiled nervously. 'It's always fun to hang out with friends.' She signed. 

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