She thought they would stop outside the car. Instead, she was surprised to see him pull out the car key from his pocket and unlock it. He opened the door for her to get in.

Robyn hesitated.

“Where are we going?”

“I don’t have a lot of time,” he said, his voice now starting to shake.

“What do you mean?”

“Please! Just get in,” Dom nudged her to sit.

Robyn, being left with no choice, took her seat and watched him rush to get behind the wheel. As soon as he sat, he turned the engine on and drove out of the main gate.

“Dom, you have to tell me what’s going on,” Robyn said sternly.

His breathing was laboured and he was hunched forward, seeming to be in a world of his own.


It was eerily quiet, with just the sound of his ragged breath filling the car. Apprehension unfurled at the pit of her stomach again.

“Dom!” she touched his shoulder.

His hand gripped the wheel tighter.

“Jasmine,” he rasped, “she’s making me do it.”

Robyn’s hands were clammy and cold. With each inhale her throat seemed to squeeze tighter and tighter.

“What’s she making you do?”

The shrill of Robyn’s ringtone suddenly filled the air. She fumbled with it for a second, her hands shaking. It was Ray. Before she could answer it, Dom snatched it out of her hand. Only then did she realise they were taking the road leading out of town. With her heart in her throat, Robyn closed her eyes and forced herself to breathe deeply. She had known Dom for years, she could reason with him.

“Dom, listen to me. You don’t have to do this,” she began, “is she blackmailing you? I can help--”

Her phone rang again in Dom’s hand. This time it was Nick. They were trying to get hold of her. Robyn made an attempt to grab it, but that only provoked him. An unmistakable growl made the hair on her skin stand. In an instant, Dom crushed the device in his hand to pieces.

“No,” tears sprung to her eyes, “what did she do to you?”

The moments that followed seemed to go by in a blur. Robyn couldn’t move an inch of her body, paralysed by fear and helpless in a speeding car with no way of calling for help. She could have reasoned with human Dom, but the guy sitting next to her was anything but that.

“Dom,” she whispered, tears now running down her cheek, “what did she do? Please tell me, I can help. I know I can--” she hiccoughed.

In response, all Dom could do was grunt. His jaws were so tightly locked together Robyn worried his teeth would shatter.

“Jasmine…” his voice had changed almost completely. Whereas before it was sweet and boyish, now every word sounded like a threatening, low growl. “She took me… Woods…” he took sharp inhales between each word as if he was forcing himself to speak, to stay human. Robyn worried he wouldn’t be able to drive in a few more minutes if he gave up control to whatever it was that was taking over his body.

He seemed to have the same thought because they accelerated even faster down the road. If not being mauled, Robyn was sure she’d die in a car accident. One minute they were speeding down a long, empty road and the next, the car had jerked to an abrupt stop. Without a moment of thought, Robyn threw open the door and ran.

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