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On one morning, Pit had accidentally over slept and had not awoken for almost an hour. Marth decided to wake up his friend, and he entered their room the cutw angel was snoring and sleeping soundly. Seeing his friend was having a peaceful slumber, Marth was unsure if he should wake him or not, but his conscience got the better of him. Pit had to wake up.

So he climbed up onto the bedside and shook his pair's side.

"Pit, wake up." He spoke and a grumble and a yawn was heard, as Pit opened his eyes to see his friend.

"Marthy, what is the meaning of disturbing my sleep?"

"You've been asleep for over an hour. You need to wake up, Our match is within 30 minuites." Marth explained, but Pit yawned and turned to his other side and fell back to sleep.

"Piiiit, come on. Wake up." The Prince persuaded, climbing onto the angel male and got an idea. He smiled mischievously and started to tickle Pit's side and stomach, jolting the captain awake and giggled uncontrollably.

"Ahahahahahahahaha! M-Marth!, Stop it! I am in nohohohohohohohoho mood for Tihihihickles! Hahahhahahaa!" Pit laughed as he rolled onto his tummy to protect it, but Marth started to tickle his sides, making him giggle and laugh.

"Wakey wakey! Time for you to get up, Chicken wings." Marth teased, but that made Pit sit up, throwing him off-balance and onto the floor.

"Chicken wings eh? That does it, Come 'ere, you scamp!" Pit laughed as he chased after his roomate all over his room until he finally caught him and pinned him to the ground and started to tickle Marth.

"AHHH! Ahahahahahaha! Gods!Stohohohohohohop! Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha" Marth laughed as the Angel's skittering fingers scratched and wiggled around his belly.

"Hah! That's what you get for tickling me!" Pit growled as he moved his hands up to Marth's underarms, tickling them at full force.

"GAHHHHHHHH! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" The hero king laughed out loud, squirming to free himself from his tickly misery, but with no luck. The tickling was too much.

After a few minutes of tickling Marth's underarms, Pit stopped and was suddenly attacked by Marth and the rolled around to see who would be on top, and Marth came on top, but on Pit's back and tickled his sides very quickly.

"Time for a tickles, Pitty-pat~" He teased again as his hands wiggled and poked around the angel's sides and reached below to tickle his stomach. Sudennly Pit twisted around and Marth fell gently to the ground on his stomach and Pit sat on top of him.

"No. You, Marthy." Pit chuckled evilly as one hand held down Marth's socked feet, and the other tickled his toes, and the prince shrieked with hysterical laugher, trying to get away but was pinned.

"Cootchie cootchie coo! There is no escape from me. " Pit teased as his hands attacked the prince's feet, tickling them hard and fast.

"Nohohohohohohohoho, Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Please stop tickling me, Pihihit!" Marth cried, tears of joy streaming down his cheeks, but the angel didn't pay attention, continuing his tickling spree..

In hopes of saving himself, Marth reached out and tickled Pit's feet and the angel stopped and turned over, freeing Himself. The Angel pounced onto his friend and tickled his tummy and underarms, but soon the two of them began tickling each other, none of them in hopes of giving in. For almost half an hour the tickle fest went on and the laughter flowed through the hallway.

Inside their room Pit was pinning Marth down while tickling his tummy and Pit was tickling Marth's unarmored sides, but their energy was starting to wear off. Finally they both stopped, feeling tired and all tickled out.

Pit lay himself on the floor and felt Marth snuggle on him and hugged him, and the prince decided it was alright since Pit was like his surrogate brother/best friend and hugged him back.

"Maybe Master Hand wont mind if we'll get to the match in a few minutes, what do you say?" Pit asked, knowing Marth was getting sleepy as well as him.

"Sure, that's fine." Pit yawned and the two fell asleep in each others arms, feeling happy and great to have a wonderful moment like this.

Smashing Tickles Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now