thank you!

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And that concludes Something More!

I can't thank you enough for reading, voting and commenting. I appreciate it so much!

In terms of what is next on my agenda for writing is a sequel for my other book Dancing Through the Fire (but if you're interested, I'll be posting there for more information on the sequel in the next few days.)

I'm not writing a sequel to this book so this is the conclusion for Harlow, Penelope, Yvonne (rip) and Victor (rip).

I'm sad to say goodbye to these characters (especially Yvonne and Harlow before he went crazy) because I really enjoyed writing this.

If you want to read more from me then my only other book as of now is Dancing Through the Fire but, as I said, a new addition will be coming soon. If there are any changes or updates I can put them on here.

Another massive thank you to anyone who has read this, I really hope you enjoyed it.

Bye for now!

-L.T. May

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