VII- eye to eye

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(Y/n) was sitting at one of the tables in the café, checking her watch every few seconds. She had arrived five minutes early just in case either of them had turned up early but she should have expected that they wouldn't. Neither of the men seemed particularly pleased about being introduced and it lead to (Y/n) wondering if it was even a good idea to have them meet at all.

'This is against clinic protocol...' She thought. 'But Harlow doesn't have anyone, maybe if he had Victor as a friend it would help him open up and calm down a bit.'

Just as the clock hit eight o'clock, Victor walked in. His eyes scanned the room for (Y/n), he smiled when they landed on her. He began to sit down but she started talking.

"No, you're at that table." She pointed over to a table for two on the opposite side of the café, a neat reserved sign was placed on it.

"Where's Harley?"

"Harlow." She corrected.

"It's a stupid name." Victor scoffed.

"He's not here yet. Stay with me until he turns up and then you two can talk over there." She spoke nervously, she really wanted this to go well.

The bell that was on the door rang, signifying the door being opened. Harlow walked in, he quickly spotted (Y/n) and the back of Victor's head that looked eerily similar to his.

When she saw Harlow, her mouth hung open a little. This was the first time she was seeing them in the same room and it was pretty insane to say the least.

Victor saw her shocked expression and turned to see what could have put her in that state. His eyes widened dramatically when he saw Harlow approaching. Harlow stopped dead in his tracks as he saw Victor's face.

All three of them remained in silent shock even though they all had expected this to happen. "Go, go to the table with him." (Y/n) regained her composure and hissed at Victor.

Victor stood up on shaky legs and walked up to Harlow. "We're over here." He muttered, walking to the reserved table.

The two men sat opposite each other. Harlow smirked at how uncomfortable Victor seemed.

"You look like a less attractive version of me." Harlow said, leaning back in his chair.

Victor frowned. "And you look like a poor version of me."

"Excuse me-?"

"Smell like one too."

"Fuck you."

"Fuck you."

(Y/n) watched from a distance. She couldn't make out what they were saying but it didn't look great.

"So... you're her best friend." Harlow mused.

"Since day one. And you're some work project, right?" Victor further provoked the felon. He hoped that Harlow would lash out and try something, then (Y/n) would see and stop treating him. Best case scenario: the guy ends up in jail again or even a real prison. "I've heard a lot about you."

"Really? I've heard almost nothing about you." Harlow was also having fun, seeing Victor's frustration grow and grow.

"You're so immature. What are you? Twelve?" Victor crossed his arms.

"Twenty five actually, but you're close." Harlow taunted.

Victor just scoffed. He thought for a moment, he was also twenty five and so was this identical man. He couldn't be... "You were in foster care? Right??" Victor asked frantically.

"Yeah... why?"

"I was adopted."

Harlow furrowed his brows but then the reality set in. "Oh... don't think-"

"Do you know anything about your birth parents?" Victor leaned forward, inspecting every inch of Harlow's face. It was all the same as his.

"No, I was offered some information to get in contact with my mother but I turned it down." Harlow replied.

"We need to find it. I need to know if you're my... brother."

"Does it matter? I mean, it's not like you're going to let me into your big rich family. What's the point?" Harlow didn't really care to find out if they were really twins or not. He tried to hide his interest in his biological family.

"If it ever got out that my twin brother was some psycho with anger issues, it would be detrimental to my career. Do you know what our birth mother could do to my future company if she ever caught wind of what you were up to?" Victor was in a panic.

"I'm not going back to fucking hell on Earth just to help out some asshole like you."

"Don't you want to meet your birth mother, find out what happened?" Victor asked in a quieter voice.

"No." Harlow lied. He had thought about his biological family a great deal and always wanted to know why his mother gave him up. But he was scared to be hit with the reality- she just didn't want him.

(Y/n) narrowed her eyes at their discussion. Harlow looked fairly unbothered but irritation was clear in his body language, Victor on the other hand looked completely crazed. She considered going over to them to see what was going on but held herself back.

The last thing she wanted was for Harlow to lash out at Victor. She'd only ever read about what happened when Harlow got angry and didn't want to witness it in real life.

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