Nope, thats a trap

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I woke up, still curled up in a ball, to my dog licking my face.

"Hey Cash." I said, rubbing behind his ear. He barked in response. I sat up and stretched out because every joint in my body was starting to hurt.

I grabbed my phone out from under the pillow, only to check the time and to see if I had any texts, which I did.

Sister 😋
Hey, don't worry about
coming 2 get me I'm going
home with a friend.

Mommy 💓
Hey, we may be a little longer.
I'll explain when we
finally do make it home. I'm sending
you money to go and get you guys
some food.

I sighed and walked back up the stairs and into the living room. Both Ethan and Journi were still napping and I laughed.

The house phone started ringing and I walked over to pick it up, knowing it was my grandpa because he's the only one who calls the house anymore.

"Haley, can you go out to the barn and see if there's a goat in there?"
"We don't have goats."
"Tom Johnson called and said one of his goats got out. He's asking around to see if anyone has seen him."
"Yeah. I'm on my way out there right now. I'll call you back in a minute."

I hung up the phone and grabbed my coat and boots. I walked out of the house through the garage so I could get on my bike and ride out to the barn. It doesn't take that long from our house to the barn on bike, less than two minutes.

I dropped my bike on the ground and opened the barn door, looking around the see if their was a goat. Nothing but horses and hay.

HaleyHolland99: just in case anyone was wondering, this hick is back in the barn for the next few days 🤷🏼‍♀️ ain't she purtty?

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HaleyHolland99: just in case anyone was wondering, this hick is back in the barn for the next few days 🤷🏼‍♀️ ain't she purtty?


"Now will you let me do something about this video?" Ethan asked, coming into the kitchen where I was cooking.

"Ethan, it's fine really." I said, bending down to grab a pan from the cabinet

"You cried yourself to sleep."

"It was a moment of weakness and now I'm laughing about it. Sure they can say any shit they want behind a screen but none of those pansies could say any of that to my face."

"Really? That's it?"

I put the frying pan down and walked over to him, grabbing his face with my left hand. "Yes really, that's it. I'm over it."

"Okay." He said, he voice saying that he didn't believe me.

There was little tiny footsteps coming around the corner and I looked over at the couch, noticing that Journi wasn't there any more.

"Sissy?" She said, popping up beside me from the other side of the counter. "Cash yicked me."

"Cash licked you?" I asked, picking her up. She nodded.

"But I awake now."

"I can see that. Are you hungry?" She nodded again. "Alright, I'm going to have to put you down so I can cook."

"No. I want my sissy." She said, grabbing on tighter to my neck.

"Alright princess." I said, shifting her around to my hip and walking back over to the stove.

"What are you making anyway?" Ethan asked.

"Grilled 'cheese' and soup."


"Hawey, where's my mommy?" Journi asked, smacking my leg with a fake plate.

"I don't know. She'll be home soon." She nodded. I actually didn't know if she'd be home soon, I haven't heard anything from her since the last text she sent me saying they were going to be late.

She didn't say much after that, she was too invested in watching her Spider-Man cartoon.

"What's on your mind?" Ethan asked, rubbing my hair out of my face. I turned around from where I was laying of his lap so I could turn to look at him.

"I'm just wondering where my mom is." I sighed. "She said they were going Christmas shopping and then sent me a text saying that something came up and that they'd be a little later but that's the last thing I've heard from them."

"I'm sure they'll be fine. If something was really wrong, they'd've called by now."

"I guess you're right."

"I'm always right." He laughed.

"Yeah, okay." I said turning back around to watch the tv.

Journi has gone from paying attention to playing with her play kitchen in the corner of the room but when I try to change the tv, she yells at me.

A few seconds later Journi screamed and came running over to me, jumping on the couch and shaking my shoulder.

"Can I help you?" I asked, turning my head to look at her.

"Esa's outside."

"What?" I asked confused.

"Esa's outside. It's snowin."

"It's snowing?" I asked, picking her up off my side and sitting her on the ground so I could go see what she was talking about.

"Would you look at that," I said opening the blinds. "It is snowing."

"Can we go pway?" She asked, tugging on my pajama pants.

"No ma'am. It's time for you to go to bed."

"I not tired." She huffed, sitting down on the ground.

"Yeah. But mama and daddy are going to take both of our Christmas presents back to the store and then tell Santa not to come if you're not in bed when they get home."

"Oh no!" She said her eyes getting wide. She jumped up off the floor and practically ran towards her room.

"I'll be right back." I told Ethan, following her to make sure she actually got in the bed.


"She's asleep. Come on." I said sticking my hands out in front of Ethan to pull him off the couch.

"Where are we going?" He asked, looking around me at the TV.


"I'm watching this though."



"I'm going downstairs, I'm getting in the shower, and then I may or may not accidentally forget to grab clothes to put on after the shower." I said patting his head before turning to walk towards the basement door. "I guess you can come down when your show's over." 

"Nope. That's a trap." He says getting up off the couch and turning the tv off, following after me downstairs.

Guess who finally did their homework early for once? Me. Haha I rewarded myself with McDonald's cookies.

Oh also, the baby actually was a lot cuter in person and it was just really bad camera angles that made her look 👀

Anywho, how was your weekend?

Love y'all 💓💓🤷🏽‍♀️

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